God damnit, mickey. ☀️

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Dedication: tinypastelboy

I walk into the bathroom and almost forget what I'm doing.

Shower. I have to shower.

Should I wait? Did he use all the hot water?

I turn the shower on and wait for it to warm up.

My hand starts to freeze under the water so I shut it off.

"Ian Gallagher!" I slam the door open and walk into my room, where Ian is getting dressed.

"The fuck do you want?" He turns around and continues to fix the shirt he's trying to put on.

"You think you're some sort of princess? I thought I liked dudes, you becoming all high maintenance on me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You used all the hot water, bitch!" I smile and tackle him into the bed.

We wrestle in the bed for a moment and when we stop I'm on top of him and smiling.

"You know I thought you were serious for a second."

"Good." I kiss him and then get up.

"Well now I gotta fucking wait."

"I know what we could do..." Ian you kinky bitch.

Ian leans over and tries to kiss me.

"Kiss me and I'll cut your fucking tongue out."

"O-k." Ian puts his hands up in submission.

I turn and smile.

He lays on the opposite side of the bed from me.

"Are you still second guessing our date?"


"We're  going on a walk. It's a date."

"Whatever the fuck you want sunshine." I say sarcastically

"And no I'm not fucking second guessing it. We are going."

I reach over to the table and pick up my phone.


"I'm getting in the shower whether it's cold or not."


"So I can get away from your smart ass."

I really don't mean that.

Ian looks upset now.

Upset? Or does he get that it's a joke? I said it sarcastically.

"I'm kidding Ian." Don't say it Mickey fucking Milkovich. Don't you dare.

"I love you, Ian." I grab his arm and kiss him.

He's just as surprised as I am.

I walk into the bathroom  and shut the door.


Oh god what the fuck is wrong with me.

Do I really love Ian?

Yes. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.

I shower quickly because I'm afraid the water will get cold.

I get out and put on the clean boxers I brought with me.

Ian's just sitting on the bed petting Titus.

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