Another accident ☀️

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It's been three weeks since I threw up blood.

But it's only been a few days since I coughed up blood.

It seems to be getting more frequent, but Ian doesn't know that.

Ian's pretty much living with me now and I couldn't ask for anything else.

Titus still likes to sleep with Ian more.

And I haven't had a drop of alcohol.

It's not like I'm trying to stay sober, I really do like to drink, but I'm not an alcoholic - yet- but I haven't drank because of the blood situation.

It actually scares me to think about.

I just don't want to see a doctor because I'm afraid that they will tell me I'm sick and then Ian will be sad and we will try to live life differently.

I just want to stay here with Ian and not be sick and not have to worry.

I'm probably not even sick anyway.

It's probably something that just needs to heal and will be fine soon.

It's just taking a long time to heal is all.

Yeah. I'll be fine. I'm alright.

Please read❌❌❌❌❌
I thought because In honor of so many reads on this story I would give you guys a small early chapter in celebration. There will be a chapter Wednesday.

I just want to say thank you guys so much for reading this and keeping up. I love when you guys comment on this because I love seeing how you guys react. I read every single comment and that all make me so happy.

Thank you all so much. Please recommend this story to your friends or try to help me promote it...LETS GET THIS STORY ON A TOP READ LIST.
That's my goal right now and I never thought I would have even 100+ reads on ANY of my story's so just thank you so much.

Y'all can follow my insta: @ierosway_
And I have a too (shh) @ieros_way_

Follow me on there and remember

stay ok

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