Still not dead ☀️

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Dedications: @mjangell11 @bookoftinyghosts @scarletfireburns

I wake up and hear the sound of the monitor beeping again.

I don't know how long I slept, I don't know how long I've been awake and I have no clue what time of day it is.

Or what day it is for that matter.

I sit there for what seems like an hour (but was probably only 20 minutes) until I hear a door open.

A curtain slides.


Again, with the mumbles.

I have no idea of how many people are in this room and who they are.


Someone grabs my hand and holds it.

This is ian. I know this is ian.

This is ian because of the way he holds my hand. The way his hands feel. The size of his hand compared to mine.

This is ian. I'm sure of it.

My heart starts to race. He's ok. Ian's alright. He's here and I'm not dead.

I hear the monitor start beeping faster.

Every thing becomes clearer.

"He's going to be alright?"  Ian.

"Yeah, he may be here for a few days and we don't have an exact day or time when he will wake up." Nurse?

"As long as he's ok." Ian.

"When can ian be checked out?" Fiona.

"Whenever is fine. Luckily we aren't in a position where we have an urgency for his room." Nurse.

Heels click and they get further and further.

"Mickey please wake up." Ian squeezes my hand.

"I'm gonna go check you out. I'll be right back." Fiona walks away.

I hear Ian's clothes move and I think he sits down.

He does sit down. He puts his head on my arm.

"If we had just left earlier..." Ian starts to cry?

Please don't cry. Please.

"If I had drove...I should have drove."

He's blaming himself.

Don't blame yourself Ian. It's not your fault.

That guy ran the red light- his fault.

This isn't your fault.

"Jesus Christ. We could have left earlier."

I panic.

I have to do something.

I try to lift every muscle in my body.


I try again.

I squeeze Ian's hand.

He lifts his head off of my arm.


How did I do that? I have to do it again.

"I know you hear me, bitch. Wake up."

He did not just call me a bitch.

I try to smile.

I'm in a coma or something and he just called me a bitch.

I love him so much.

I try to smile again.

"I can't stay here all day with you. As much as I'd like to."


"It's the way."

He lifts a hand off the bed and sniffles. I'm guessing he wiped the tears out of his eyes or something.

"I have to help Fiona set up Debbie's birthday party. It's at our house. Just in case you decide to magically wake up and walk over there."

I can try, redhead.

"I'm not leaving yet but when I do I will come back as soon as it's over."

"You won't be here long. I really hope not..."

He waits another minute until he starts speaking again?

"Can you really hear me? I just want to know that. Do you know I'm here?"

Yes. I try to scream or open my eyes. I try to grab his hand but this time I can't do anything.

"Maybe you can, but maybe you can't so...I'm going to be a little bitch right now, so shut me off if you want, listen to me or actually not hear me I don't care."

He squeezes my hand one more time.

"I love you Mickey, I love you so fucking much and I know you're not like that to say shit like this to me because your just a fucking asshole. But I know you care- I'm pretty sure you do at least. But I really am glad to have you in my life. I'm going to stop being a bitch now and say I love you and I'm going to go."

He lets go of my hand and it's he worse feeling I've ever felt. It feels like he's leaving forever.

"If you can hear me don't expect me to be your bitch after this. I don't talk like that all the time, and quite frankly, to you it's probably a blessing hearing that. So wake the fuck up and come back to me."

I hear the door shut and I just want to tell him I love him.

To scream and say that he means so much to me and hold him.

I'm stuck here. And I don't know for how long.

Ha Sike dudes change of plan. I thought mick was going to wake up today but then they got all mushy and fluffy so I just decided to leave it at that.

My dedications aren't working so that's why this was postponed a bit.

stay ok

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