Powderpuff ⚓️

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We walk back to my house and Ian almost falls from the ice on the porch.

"Fuck winter. You dumb, bitch."

I laugh and Ian tries to regain his balance.

I open the door and unclip the leash from titus' collar.

Ian walks in behind me and I slam the door.

We take our shoes off and walk to my room.

Our room, someday, maybe.

He takes off his coat but I leave mine on as I walk back into the living room to turn the heat on.

I still turn the heat off when I leave, even though I don't pay for this house.

Terry does. But he's still in prison. No need to worry about him.

I stop in the doorway of my room and take my coat off and throw it somewhere on the floor.

Ian is sitting on the bed, looking at me.

Instantly I walk towards him and push him onto the bed and kiss him.

He kisses me back and we somehow make our way into the middle of the bed.

We stop kissing and stare at each other.

"I like you, Gallagher."

"Shut up."

"You like me too. It's ok if you're not ready to admit your feelings."

Ian closes his eyes as we both start laughing.

"Watcha want to do?" I ask him. We don't really have much to do.

"I want to stay here."

"You can if you want powderpuff." I smile at him. And smile at the name I just gave him.

"I mean like, actually. Just stay here. Where people don't have to see us and the only time when we are together is when we have sex. I just want to stay here and look at you."

God damn he's cute. Inside and out.

"We can do that. We can do anything you want."

His fucking eyes and his freckles make him so beautiful.

We don't move for minutes that seem more like hours and we admire the space between us.

His eyebrows flick and his eyes start looking at everything they could possibly see.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I don't know. Lots of stuff. What about you?"

"I'm mainly thinking about you. How beautiful your eyes are. And how red your hair is and how many freckles you have. I don't think I could count them."

"We should start talking about something."

He sits up so I, of course, follow.

"Like what, fire-crotch?"

"What are some things you like?"

"Why do you want to know? You're not going to be trying to figure out everything about me and then use it against me are you?"

He smiles. His smile is beautiful too.

"No, just thinking maybe we should know each other a little better."

"Um ok. You lovey-dovey whore..."

He laughs at that and I just smile trying to think of things I like.

I can't really think of anything I like. My life has just been mostly following rules and gang banging and shit like that.

"I don't know, Ian. What do you like?"

"You don't know one thing you like?"
Ian raises his eyebrow at me. Sassy twat.

"I like you? Does that count?"

"Sure. Well I like movies, talking to you and oh I don't know. Long walks on the beach."

"Have you ever been to the beach?"


"Oh so you're mocking now?" I smile widely.


"Ok well I'll tell you what. I'm going to take you to the beach and you're going to love it."

"Whys that?"

"Cause I'm going to be there!"

He laughs at me but I'm being serious- kind of serious.

"Ok. Sounds like a plan."

Alrighty then. Just a cute chapter. I like these ones i don't know why. I hope you do too.
The chapters have some good shit coming up.

Stay ok


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