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Dedication: ThePinkEra

Ian kisses me and soon it's dark and getting colder by the second. I don't mind.

Ian's on top of me, so I don't mind.

I've about had enough of this kissing bull shit.

I sit up and roll over to where Ian is beneath me.

I start to take his shirt off and he cooperates.

"In a rush are we?" Ian laughs.

He needs to stop laughing I swear to god.

"Yes, I'm in a rush for you to put your dick in my ass."

He kisses me again and his hands go down to his belt buckle.

I move back and start to undo my own pants and soon we are standing with our pants down.

He kisses me harder and puts his hands up my shirt and I turn around.

Did we not just do this today. Already?

Why are boys so fucking horny, wow.

I put my hand against the pillar and he grabs my other hand and pushes his dick inside me.

He moans and I let my head fall.

He stays there a second and then starts moving.

Starting out slow he pushed faster and faster.

He keeps moaning and eventually so do I.

He lets go of my hand and puts his hand back up my shirt, scratching me.

He pushes his dick inside me for minutes and eventually comes inside me.

After he cums, he thrusts a couple more times and as he pull out I cum too.

"Ugh, fuck."

He turns me around and we kiss more.

We end up back on the floor laying down kissing for who knows how long until I get up to put my pants back on because like I said- it is cold outside.

Me and Ian finish getting our clothes on we sit next to each other against the giant pillar in the center of the room.

"Do you wanna go back home?" Ian asks.

"Yeah, maybe I'll even let you lay with me this time." I smile and stand up.

I look around the room and eventually find Titus and his leash.

I clip the leash to the collar and Ian snatches it out of my hand.

"I got it."

"Yes sir." I do that thing with my eyebrows, what's the word? Now I wish I would have payed attention in school. Maybe they would have taught m- furrowed!

Aha! I furrowed my brows at him.

God, I'm so stupid sometimes.

Does Ian talk to himself like this?

I hope not, this is some psychopath shit.

Ian starts walking down the stairs and I follow him listening to the paint chipping as we walk.

We walk holding hands all the way home because it's dark and I don't give a fuck.

We get inside and I check the thermostat to see if the heat is up.

It is so I take my coat off and throw it over a chair.

I take my shoes off by the door and so does Ian but he keeps his coat on.

He lets Titus off the leash and walks into our room.

I'm never going to get over saying our room.

I come in behind him and his coat is by the bed and he's already laying down.

He's awake, but laying down.

"What are you doing?"

He looks at me and shrugs.

"Too lazy to get undressed."

He looks back at the ceiling.

"Well as much as I'd like to do that for you, I'm not. I've done it before and it wasn't that easy."

"Done it before? What?"

"You were drunk."

"Mickey what are you talking about?" Ian sort of smiles but is also really confused.

"You don't remem- oh shit!" How the fuck did I not remember that?

"What? Oh shit what?" Ian stands up across from me.

"Are you ok?"

I just stand there with a blank expression.

"Mickey?" I might as well explain.

"Ok look, this is going to sound creepy as all hell but just hear me out. I had this dream that we went out and you got drunk and then we came back here you fell asleep fully clothed so I basically took your coat and stuff off. And that was a dream and now I feel really fucking stupid oh my fucking god Ian-"

"Hey, I had dreams about you too..." he grabs my shoulder but let's go of it.

"Mine were just a lot more....vivid?"

I laugh really hard and Ian just smiles and chuckles.

"Ok had sex dreams about me?"  I try to stop laughing.

"Hey, you fucking undressed me you perv!" He hits me on the shoulder.

"Ok true. But that was the only dream I had about you I swear."

"Don't flatter yourself, I didnt have more than 5 about you, and one time it was awful!"

"Excuse me Gallagher?"

Somehow we always end up on the bed fighting.

We're like little girls what the hell.

We stop playing and just lay there.

Ian lays mostly in top of me, still in his clothes.

"Go change your clothes. And then you can come back and lay with me."

"If I'm getting up you're getting up too. You could change too you know."

"You're always so right, red head."

I get up and put shorts on but leave my shirt on.

Ian changes completely, and we end up in the same position we were in before we got up.

Ian laying on me almost falling asleep and me enjoying my life.

I didn't usually like life that much before him. Well I mean I wasn't suicidal or depressed, but I thought life was just life.

But then he came and I actually am happy.

I never want Ian to leave me. And I'm never going to leave Ian.

Ugh there's your stupid smut chapter. It sucks. Sorry, but I wasn't prepared. The next one will be better I swear

So...we're above 20k!!!!!!!!! IM SCREAMING

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