Brake lights ☀️

914 31 13

mood™: FUCK

I get off the highway when I see a sign that has the mcdonalds logo on it.

Some asshole slams on their brakes in front of me because for some reason they don't know that you're supposed to slow down on the exit ramp.

Luckily I KNEW to slow down so I was far enough away from them it didn't effect us.

Titus paces in the car and it annoys the fuck out of me

"Titus sit the fuck down!" I say and reach my hand back there to calm him down for whatever reason he's being annoying.

I turn right and I can already see the yellow sign. I pull into the parking lot and shut the car off. I pull out my wallet and hand ian some money.

"You go get us something and I'll let Titus out" I say to him before he unbuckles.

"Anything special you want?" He says opening the door

"Surprise me" I smile and get out of the car.

I open the trunk and grab titus' leash from the floor and clip it to his collar before letting him jump out of the car.

He immediately starts sniffing the cement and I have to drag him over to the grass.

"Go potty." I say watching him sniff the grass.

I look around me and I can see the highway with cars passing over it. I think about how many people can see me and how weird it is to be out in the open basically attached to a dog that's about to take a shit.

He pees first and I try to look away as absentmindedly as possible.

I try not to look awkward but I know I do.

He shits and we walk back towards the car and I lean on it waiting for Ian.

Titus walks around a little bit as far away from me as he can. He sits and starts watching everything around him.

"Hey" i turn around and see Ian with a handful of things.

I smile and put Titus in the car before coming over to help him grab things.

We get in the car and start to eat, I was too hungry to hardly notice what he had got me before it was gone. I gave Titus a piece of an extra burger we had and he basically swallowed the fucking thing whole.

We talked about little things as we got back onto the highway and drove for miles just looking out the window.

We talked about past things, future things and the scenery and how it was changing the further south we got.

By dark we had reached Tennessee and Ian yawned as we pulled into a pet friendly hotel.

I had to fucking google that shit. There's hardly any of them anywhere.

We pulled some stuff out of the car and made our way into the hotel.

Ian's eyes were dark and I could tell he was tired, I was too.

We paid for our room and went up and I let Titus off the leash and he started smelling everything before Ian even made it into the room.

He tiredly fell onto the bed and let his shoes fall off.

"Goodnight" he mumbled

"Night" I walked over and kissed his forehead as he got under the large comforter.

I smiled and open the glass door on the far side of the room and walked out.

Titus followed me. We stood on the small patio and looked out against the world.

We were on floor 7 (there was about 10 floors to this fucking hotel) so we could see mostly everything.

"You gotta potty?" I look down at the dog and he ignores me.

"So no it is..." I mumble pulling out a single cigarette I had put in my shirt pocket.

I don't know why I had decided to take it with me. And only one for that matter.

But today I'm deciding it's the last.

Last cigarette- last day in the past.

Or some other poet type shit like that I guess. I pull out a lighter and light the cigarette feeling the heat of the flame against the cold air outside.

It's nice out here.

I lean against the railing but hear it creak so I stand back up. I'm not gonna die due to a faulty railing what the fuck.

I finish my cigarette and go back inside pouring out some food in a bowl for Titus along with water from the bathroom sink.

I change my clothes and use the bathroom before heading into bed.

Ian's already asleep so I try not to wake him up. But then Titus recklessly jumps on the bed and Ian moves when he gets stepped on.

"Dude what the fuck" I whisper and pat the bed to tell him to lay there.

I look over at the clock- 11:54pm

Alright so this is what you're getting. I'm gonna try to start posting at a regular schedule again because I do have a few chapters saved up. Please forgive thy faggot for not posting lmao. Anyyyyywayyy some shits happening soon so hope you enjoy. Please excuse any typos. This chapter is dedicated to officialbroop for always checking in on me and asking how I am. If you're reading this, we're friends now.


stay ok

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