Doctors ☀️

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I wake up and see Ian looking at me.

I feel Titus laying on my feet.

I feel my stomach turning.

Ian's smile drops when he stares at me and I don't smile back.

I rush up out of bed and into the bathroom and throw up into the toilet.

I wish I had time to close the door but I didn't so now Ian is behind me with his hand on my back.

I would be comforted by that but there's blood in the toilet.

I throw up everything in my stomach and what feels like every drop of blood.

"M-ickey?" I spit and stand up, feeling dizzy.

Ian's worried

"Yeah?" I don't know what else to say.

"Do you need to go to the doctors? I...don't think you should be throwing up blood."

I'm not seeing a fucking doctor.

"I'm fine. It was probably just some bad alcohol."

I walk to the kitchen and grab some water.

I rinse my mouth out and spit it into the sink a few times.

"No really, I don't think that's normal."

"I'm alright. I'm fine. Ok?"

"You're not 'alright' but I can't force you to go."

I lean over the sink feeling like I'm going to throw up or pass out.

Ian walks over to me and places his hand on my back. What an innocent.

"We should stay in today. Watch movies and cuddle."

"Yeah, sure Ian. Let me brush my teeth, I'll be right there. Pick us out a movie."

Ian leaves to get a movie going and I do as I say and brush my teeth to get that really bad taste out of my mouth.

I walk back into the bedroom and crawl into bed with Ian and he instantly starts cuddling up to me.

I'm still tired. I'm going back to sleep.

And I'm going to fall asleep with Ian because on me. The happiest way to fall asleep.

Normal schedule is back finally.

❌Stay ok

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now