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It's been 6 months.

6 months since Ian said his goodbyes to Mickey.

5 and a half months since they buried him.

Ian blames himself for not knowing how to save Mickey.

Maybe he could have helped until the paramedics got there. Maybe...

Ian stands in front of the mirror and looks at the scar on his left collar bone.

He had to have screws put into the bone to heal it.

He stands and looks at his reflection thinking of Mikey.

He holds back tears and contains himself.

He walks out of the bathroom "come on Titus" he says picking up the leash from the couch.

Titus gets up from his spot on the floor.

He puts more weight on his left paw as he stands. Ian watches the scar on his right leg stretch out when he stands.

He smiles to himself.

He attaches the leash to the collar and grabs his keys and shoves them into his pocket.

He opens the door and walks out silently.

Ian waits for Titus to get down the steps on his own. He doesn't really like being helped by Ian.

So he's patient. Titus has been through a lot too.

They walk down the sidewalk at a slower pace than normal, not in a hurry to go anywhere.

They walk onto a main block. There's diners and stores and other people minding their own business.

Ian and Titus walk right pass some people sitting a table, Ian didn't even notice them.

"Excuse me! Are you interested in saving lives?" A woman says

Ian stops. The words hit him like truck. Everything comes back to him.

I should have been able to save him. I should have known how to do something.

He looks at her quietly and she hands him a pamphlet.

He takes it from her, "thanks"

"Have a nice day" she says while he walks away looking at the pamphlet.

EMT schooling.

He opens the pamphlet and looks at pictures of people in paramedic uniforms, ambulances, and equipment.

"Titus, it looks like I'm going back to school"

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now