It happens

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"Ian?" Ian walks slowly up the few steps and onto the base of the floor.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"I asked you first."

" didn't."

He folds his arms and I try to collect myself from my previous feelings.


He leans on the wall and stares.

"Ian stop that shit."

He's trying to get to me.

"Ian my fucking soul god damn!"

When they said red heads steal souls I didn't think it was a real thing.

He won't stop staring at me.

"Ok! I came here cause I was gonna shoot the shit out of the walls and because you were here that one time and you know and like..."

"It's ok, mick."

"Ok." I exhale deeply.

What a ramble I jut went on.

"Why are you here?" I ask Ian and he instantly lets his arms go down to his sides and gets off the walls.

He tries to act strong, you're not that strong Gallagher.

"It's nice to remember your rock bottom. Reminds you not to get there because things get better. Makes you want to keep living."

"What makes you want to keep living fire crotch?" I try to lighten the mood but he walks foreword quickly.


He grabs under my jaw and kisses me.

I'm what makes him happy? How? Im an absolute bitch.

I mean, he makes me feeling I guess then.


He backs up a little.

"What now? You always have to interrupt our kisses."

He's so cute.

"You should be my boyfriend...officially."


"Yeah?" What does he mean by yeah?

"I accept your offer Mickey Milkovich." We both smile

"You have to bring my last name into this now too?"

"Maybe." He smiles and his eyes light up.

He backs up and I push him a little and him being the drama queen he is, falls ever so fucking lightly on the ground.

I climb on top of him and put my hands in his shoulders and kiss him.

"If you come back home with my I promise I won't interrupt our kisses."

Ian shoves me and lands above me holding me down this time.

"Are you sure? You always seem to have something to say."

He kisses me

"I always say the right things."

He stops kissing me and leans up, a few inches from my face.

"What's one good thing you've said?"

"I asked you to be my boyfriend." I smile and maybe even blush, fuck I don't know all I can concentrate on is Ian.

"Your house it is."

He gets up and instantly starts petting Titus and talking to him in a baby voice.

"His name is Titus he's like a God don't talk to him in a baby voice! That's disrespectful!"

Ian looks up at me and stands up from a crouch.

"Oh, is Mickey baby jealous? Is it cause I talk to the dog and not him?" Ian mocks me.

"Psh no..." I say trying not to blush. Why does he always win me over?

"Come on."

I walk over to him and we kiss quickly before I grab Titus' leash.

We walk down the stairs holding hands because the stair case is super fucking wide, but when we get to the main floor I let go of his hand.

We may be boyfriends now officially but I'm still not ready to hold his hand in public.

Ian doesn't seem to be bothered but I am. I wish I could hold his hand. He should just know why.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"I can't hold your hand and kiss you in public cause I'm a bitch."

"Hey, don't worry about it."

"I'm going to fucking worry about it because it's not fair to you."

"And it's not fair to push you to do it now is it? Take your time, babe."

I fidget with the leash and Ian talks quieter at the end of the sentence even though no one is actually near us.

I love him. I'm glad he's willing to be patient.

I'm not a bitch though.

But one day I will hold his hand.

Ah there it is. I thought this was really cute. My story line is on fire right now. I hope you guys are enjoying this Christmas Eve update.

Merry Christmas guys, stay safe and ...

Stay ok

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now