Bad Luck ☀️

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We are ready to leave the hotel at about 10:35, we didn't really unpack anything so it was easy to get ready.

I leave the hotel keys on the desk by the tv. I'm not exactly sure if that's what I'm supposed to do but I think it will be ok.

Ian sits on the edge of the bed and when I open the door he stands, and follows me out.

I put my finger through the key ring of the car keys and listen to it jingle when I move.

We walk out into the parking lot and it has gotten a lot warmer out since I took Titus out.

I unlock the car and Ian gets in while I put Titus in.

I get in the drivers side and turn the car on.

"How long do you think it will take us?"

"Probably another 8 to 11 hours....if there's not a lot of traffic"

We get onto the highway and drive for about 15 minutes until we hit a big city.

And then we stop. In the middle of the fucking highway. Packed between cars.

"You jinxed it" Ian say smiling a little

"Yeah, ok, maybe I might have"

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