One stop (smut) ☀️

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Dedications: I'm so fucking over these but I still have a lot more people to dedicate so shit
The REAL dedications

We pull out of the diner and I start to head south onto the highway.

"I think we're gonna stop at a motel in southwest Tennessee" I say thinking while driving

"That's halfway?"

"Yeah, still more than an 8 hour drive, though"

"Damn" he sighs

"What are you sighing for? You ain't driving" I say sarcastically

"If you need me to drive, I will."

"Mhm." I say changing lanes

Ian yawns

"You can take a nap if you want"

Ian's lays his heat down

"I might just take you up on that offer."

I smile "night"

" you"

"Love you too" I say.

It's still weird to say that.

Its so normal, so domestic.

I drive for 4 hours, listening mindlessly to the radio before Ian wakes up.

He wakes up yawning and stretching as far as he can due to he restricting seatbelt

"Morning!" I say

Ian looks up without saying anything, looking out the windows.

"Where are we?"

"Just made it into Kentucky. Haven't had to stop at all so we're making good time"

"I have to pee"

"Alright, I'll pull over" I joke

"No." He says still sleepy

"Why not? You have a dick"

"Because I'm hungry too. So we might as well stop somewhere"

"Yo, we ate like 4 hours ago and you're hungry already?" I smile, joking

"And you're not?"

I look at him


"What the fuck is wrong with you then?" He smiles finally

"I don't know, maybe it's because I've been around you for so long. You been messing with me." I laugh

"I've made you a better person is what happened"

He sits up in the seat

"Nah, don't think so"

"I think so" he looks out the window

"Well I think you're wrong"

"Oh really?" He looks at me and smirks

"Yep" I hit the brakes because the bitch in front of me stops for who knows why.

"Anyway I could change your mind?" He unbuckles

"What are you doing?"

He leans over and starts unbuttoning my shirt.

"Changing your mind."

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now