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I see him

Puffy, red eyes.
Matted hair

Ian Gallagher is not ok.

It hurts me.

He hasn't slept.

I can tell.

It's only been a few days but it looks like he has hasn't eaten in weeks.

I can see him falling.

I want to help

But I can't...

I just need to play it cool and see if I can somehow help him by being here?

Probably not

Stupid Mickey

Stupid Ian

Stupid boys

Just stupid

I need alcohol

And cigar- no

I'm not going to do that.

I'm not going to be weak

Not for myself.

I can break for myself and I can't break for Ian


Just keep it cool. Keep it casual.

I walk over to a different spot in the living room near Ian

I'm going to try to talk to him.

I'll fail, but at least I know I've tried

"Hey...are you ok?"

I keep my head down.

"Does it look like I'm ok Mickey?"


He's irritated


He's irritated because he's depressed

That's ok

It's all ok

"That's what I thought."


Just back up Mickey.

Don't overstep your boundaries

"Mickey why are you even here?"

The room goes silent


I shouldn't fight him. But I want to.

I have to make a break in him

"Maybe because I found you almost dead after you tried to kill your self. That's why I'm here. Because I care and if I didn't do you think I would have called the police? Do you think I would be here? No I wouldn't so ask me again why I'm here."

Damn what did I just do

Ian shifts his weight and walks out of the door.

He slams it behind him.

It was good for him

It had to be

Fiona doesn't even try to stop him, but lip walks out behind him as if he does it on instinct.

It will help him

It has to

"Fiona, thank you for inviting me. But I don't feel like I should be here."

I grab my coat and start to walk out.

She holds the door open and grabs my arm as I walk out

"I know you're trying to help. Thank you."

She whispers it.

I just nod and walk out.

I don't see Ian but I see lip.

He's turning the corner and I'm guessing Ian is a few steps ahead of him.

I turn the opposite way and walk home.

Did I help him?

Did I push him over the edge?

Did I make things worse?


Most likely

I hurt him

I hurt him

I hurt him

It's my fault if he does anything right now

My fault

Don't cry

Not yet

A tear falls and I make sure my head is down so nobody can see it.

Be strong

Come on, you can do it

I can't

What do I do?

I take the keys from my pocket and shove them into the front door and unlock it.

I walk in and take all of my clothes off except my boxers and lay down onto my bed.

I cry

Like a child

What am I going to do?

Please don't do anything Ian

I'm here

I'm here to help you

I can help you

I will help you

Even if it kills me

I will help Ian Gallagher. I promise.

Ok so emotional chapter yeah I know. Sorry not sorry. It's getting good isn't it? My reads, votes and comments are going down....what's up with you guys? Everyone ok? DM me if you want to. It's totally ok with me if you want to talk to someone. Please DM if something is going on.

I love you guys please stay ok ❤️

Will Mickey help Ian get better? Or will he only hurt himself?

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now