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Dedications: @Bossjr5 @diabhail678

I wake up.

As if nothing ever happened.

As if I was never trapped in my own mind.

I wake up.

I'm in a hospital room with a curtain dividing it.

Who's over there? I hope they're not worse than me. That would suck.

I fell asleep last night, I don't know when and now I don't know what time it is.

Is it Thursday?

No, Ian would be here if it were Thursday.

I bet my dumbass only slept for like 30 minutes.


I could have seen him.

Now he's at home probably worried.

He's got Debbie to keep him busy.

I look around and find a controller connected to a wire on my bed.

Call for help.

Yeah, that's the button.

I touch it and it makes the most annoying sound so I let go of it quickly and drop it.

A nurse runs in and sees that I'm awake.

She yells for someone else before coming over to me.

"Good morning mr.milkovich, how are you feeling?"

She starts doing some weird shit to me and the monitor and all these other wires that are connected to basically everything including me.

"I feel fine actually. Better than before the accident." I smile. It's true.

Guess I just needed a good almost 2 days worth of sleep.

A doctor comes in with a clipboard and sets it on the table at the edge of the bed.

He grabs a flashlight out of his pocket and shines it in my eyes.

"Are you in any pain?"


"Can you see correctly?"


He puts the flashlight down and takes the- whatever thing and listens to my heartbeat.

"Very good from what I see mr..."

He looks down at the clipboard.

"Milkovich. Seems you are healing greatly. Keep it up you may leave soon."

The doctor leaves but the nurse stays.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"Oh hell yes." I didn't realize until she mentioned it but I'm starving.

Like I'm so hungry.

I would rather be dead than have my stomach cave it. Cause that's what it feels like it's doing.

"What would you like?"

"Anything." I say and she nods her head and walks away.

I look up and try to find a clock.


I probably have a whole lot of time before he comes.

I turn next to me and try to find my stuff.

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