Clubbing ☀

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"Get ready you whore!"

Ian yells at me walking back into my house. Without knocking.

Who does he think he is?

He left a little bit ago. I'm not sure I remember why but he's back now so I don't care.

"Did you just call me a whore?" I ask.

Ian smiles.

"Did the name calling hurt the gangsters feeling?" Ian starts laughing at pets Titus

"Ok 1. Shut the fuck up. And 2. I'm a pimp."

"There's the real mickey milkovich I know!" great. Now he's talking to the dog.

I walk into the bathroom to piss and leave Ian for a moment.



Are you kidding?

"What! I'm trying to piss!"

He walks around the corner while I'm peeing because my dumb ass left the door open.

This is my house!

"Where the dog food? Titus doesn't have any."

"Its um...check in the closet."

He walks away and I can hear Titus following him.

"Found it!"

I flush the toilet and wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom.

Ian practically skips to put the bag of dog food away.

As he goes past me I wrap my arm around his waist and stop him.

"Why are you so happy today?"

He just stares at me smiling.

"What did you do?" I smile back, joking.

"Ok well. Don't be mad at me but I told Fiona. Don't worry she doesn't care and she said she won't tell and she said she already knew so it's not like anything's going to happen."

Am I angry? I don't think so.

Maybe for just a second I was but I don't think I should be.

Maybe this is good. Gradually let people understand mine and Ian's relationship and maybe people won't freak out or something?

This is ok. This is good.

I think I was thinking too long because Ian starts talking again.

"Are you mad?"

"No, of course not. It's ok. I'm glad you did."

Ian kind of wiggles out of my arms.

"You are?" he places his hand on my forehead.

"You asked me if I was ok but I think I should be asking you."

"I'm fine. And it not like it's a bad thing that she knows. You said she already knew?"

If she knows who else knows?

Who else figured this out? Figured what out though? There's nothing to be figured out.

"Yeah she said it was obvious."

The fuck does that mean?

"Are you going to get ready or what?"

I walk back into my room and put on some jeans and shirt and a coat and shoes.

Its not too cold but I can't just go outside without a jacket. It's still not warm enough for that.

I walk to the mirror and fix my hair to the best of my ability while Ian's looks like he just woke up and put his fingers through it.

Fucking always.

We leave the house and start walking towards to bar.

My anxiety level rides and soon we get to the club.

There's not a lot of people outside, there usually isnt.
..and it is still a bit early.

We hand the bouncer out ID's and he lets us in.

There's blue strobe lights and loud music.

Lots of gays and shit.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable here.

I will try, though.

Guys stare at me a little too much.

I should break his fucking jaw.

Lots of them look at Ian too. That makes me even more angry.

"Come get a drink."

Ian yells over the music but sounds like a normal tone.

He grabs my hand and I instantly pull it away, but then I look around and let Ian take it.

I'm holding his fucking hand!

With people around!

Holy fuck.

More anxiety piles up and I try to calm down but I can't.

I keep telling myself that I should be fine here but I won't let myself relax.

No one cares here.

Ian hands me a shot and I take it quickly hoping to be less anxious.

"You ok?"  Ian leans down and fucking screams. Not like I can hear him that well.

I try to reassure him. "Yeah."

I smile trying to assure him I am, even though I'm clearly not.

He takes it.

I look around more and it's like I'm invisible to most of these people.

Other than the ones looking at me for a booty call.

Maybe I'm not minding the attention.

"Ian." I can do this.

"What?" I stare one of the dudes down and then turn to Ian and kiss him.

I kissed him really hard.

Kind of telling that dude to fuck off.

Ian kisses me back, of course.

Tonight may not be that bad.

But let me decide after another drink.


❌stay ok

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