Back into hiding 🔅

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Is it early?

Or is it late?

Ian gallaghers face.

Yes, that was a purposeful rhyme.

I thought of it exactly when I woke up. Kind of on accident. Kind of because I was starting at his face when I woke up.

He's still asleep.

More time for me to admire him.

Titus jumps onto the bed and wakes him up. Before he's fully awake he scrunches his nose.

I get up to let him out while Ian sleeps. There's no reason to wake him up.

I get out of bed and pat my leg so titus knows to follow me.

I open the door and it's not that cold.

There's still snow on the ground but it's melting a little.

My throats starts to get itchy and I cough.

And soon I can't stop.

I cough for like 5 straight minutes and something comes up.

Fucking gross.

I spit it out over the side of the porch and look at the color.

Red contrasting brightly on white snow.

"You ok?"

Ian scares me and I quickly say yeah, trying not to let him see that.

Ian's rubbing his eyes, still waking up and he has terrible bed head. But I probably do too.

Titus walks back up the porch and I shut the door.

I turn around as quickly as possible and kiss Ian.

I think I scared him a bit because he kind of jumped before kissing me back.

"Are you ok, mick?"

Why wouldn't I be?

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I can't kiss my boyfriend?"

I try to sound reassuring but I coughed up fucking blood and that's kind of taming my thoughts.

"What are we doing today Gallagher?"

He just looks at me.

I don't think he has a clue what we are going to do today.

Me either.

"We should go somewhere."

"Ok. Where do you want to go?"

"A gay club."

"Seriously? I'm not enough for you now?" I tease him. But seriously why does he want to go there?

"Oh you're plenty enough, darling. But! We can actually...oh I don't fucking know, be in a relationship there."

I think about it for a second. It doesn't sound too bad.

"I guess I owe you that don't I?"

"You sure do." Smiling is the cutest thing on him- fuck.

"Alright. Faggotry it is!" I'm obviously joking.

"Technically you're a faggot too, stop talking."

Ian Gallagher, everyone.

Ian walks to the bathroom and I walk to my room to sit in the bed.

"That doesn't start until later! What are we going to do before that?" I yell loud enough so he can hear me while he pisses.

I hear the faucet run and he comes out of the bathroom.

"Think of something."

"I don't fucking know what you want to do."


He climbs on top of me. I guess you could say we passed the time for while.

Club chapter next. I'm kind of excited.

If you haven't noticed then, in the chapter title there is a 🔅. It is meant to represent this series.

Stay ok

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now