This Cant Change Anything ☀️

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Dedications: _Nxrry_Storan kxllin also: randomauthor124? I could find this profile but I had it written down so if this is you comment or something)

I can hear the beep of a monitor.

What happened? I can hear things, but I can't open my eyes.

Am I in a fucking coma?

I swear to god I better not be in a fucking coma.

Fuck this.


Where's Ian?

"Ian?" I try to call his name but it only sounds like it's in my head.

I can hear someone walk around me.

Please be Ian.

Let me know he's ok.

What do I do? Do I try to yell?

Whoever was just here walks away.


It's not Ian. It's a woman. Her heels are clicking.

No, that's on the other side of me. My left.

Who's still on my right?

I can hear muffled sounds of people talking. But I can't hear enough to tell if it's a woman or a man on my right.

The lady on my left does walk away and I can't tell about the person on my right.

I try to move but I can't. I can't feel anything.

Please don't let me be fucking dead.

The heart monitor better not be in my imagination.

Where the fuck is Ian?

If this is death I think I want to die again.

I don't want to be in my head like this. It's just fucking black. There's nothing.

Just my voice.

I sit there for a long time and something moves on my right.

Someone is still there.

Or maybe not?

I hear slight footsteps and then a door close.

Fuck me.

Fucking-bitching-shitting why can't I do anything.

Car accident

I was in a fucking car accident with Ian.

Where did it come from?

I try to replay events in my head, trying to remember them.

The car hit my side.

Ran the red light.

We were talking about condoms?

If I really am dead that better not be mine and Ian's last conversation holy shit.

I eventually fall back asleep.

What else is there to do?

Ian's perspective

Where am I?

I wake up and look around me.

I'm in a hospital?

I look at myself and try to feel my own body to see if anythings actually wrong.

I don't know. I can't tell. But I don't feel anything. Like...pain.

"Ian?" Fiona says as she walks into the room.

"Fiona? Where's Mickey? Is he ok?"

She looks at me. There's no expression on her face.

"I...I just went to see him and...he's pretty messed up. They say he will be ok but it will take a long time to heal I guess. That car hit you guys pretty hard." She scratches the back of her neck.

What? He's ok, but not ok? Is he conscious?

Am I even conscious? I hope not. I hope I wake up and this never happened. Or even if it did I'm the one driving or mick doesn't get hurt- or something.

"Am I ok?" I ask her as she stands on the foot of my bed.

"Yeah, you're pretty much ok. You have a concussion and some bruises and some scratches on your face, but you're ok."

She sounds relieved that I'm ok. What about Mickey? He should be the one that's fine.

"Is Mickey awake? Can i see him?"

", he's not awake yet."

"Why not?"

"The doctors say he might be in a coma. But they says it shouldn't last long."

I sigh.

"How long do I have to stay here? In this room."

"You can leave later today."

Good. Cause I'm seeing him.


"What's today?"

"Wednesday technically."


"It's 5 in the morning."


"Ian you have a fucking concussion and it was late last night. Like around 8 I think."

"Holy shit we were in there forever."

Fiona looks at me.

"In where?"

"Walmart. We were in there for so long. If we had left earlier..."

If we had left earlier Mickey might not be hurt. This may not have ever happened.

Would it have happened to someone else then?

"Why were you in Walmart?"

"Moving to Florida or something."

"Or something? Were you planning to stay for Debbie's birthday?"

"Duh Fiona. We were picking up stuff so we could leave this week after Debbie's birthday. Mickey was going to come."

"Mickey was going to come to Debbie's birthday?" Fiona seems shocked.

"Yeah? Why?"

"It jut nice to know mickeys coming around. With you."

Ah, yeah, right, cause we're gay and shit.

"Yeah.." I say back to her. "You should go home. Debbie's party is today and you should get some sleep before you have to deal with her."

"You gonna be alright here?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." She drops her head and walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her.

Please let Mickey wake up.

Aye yo. So we got Ian's perspective yo in here now I think that's pretty cool. Don't hate me for this 😂😂.

SPOILER: Mickey wakes up tomorrow (maybe maybe) 😉

Stay ok

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