Bring back memories

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I walk up the steps to my house, fucking freezing after having an hour and a half walk.

Titus doesn't seem to be fazed.

That's only because his body temperature is 100 degrees and he has a fucking jacket on.

I shut the door and lock it behind me.

I take my phone out of my pocket and turn it on.

It's only 4.

I need something else to kill the time.

I don't really want to go outside, but I have nothing else to do.

Maybe I'll go shoot some shit.

Sounds cool.

Do I take Titus?

"You're not a baby are you?" Titus lays on the floor and lifts only his eyes to see me.

"Didn't think so."

I walk back to my room and open the dresser drawer and pull out a box of bullets and read the label.

How wonderful...goes with the gun I have.

Maybe it's a sign for me having to shoot someone.

I smile. Why is that funny?

Is it weird that I like the thoughts guy if that?

"Maybe it's cause ima motha fucking GANGSTA, TITUS!"

I'm loud.

Titus lifts his head, he thinks so too.

I shove the box in my big coat pocket and grab the leash hanging off of the collar.

I shake the keys in the opposite pocket and start walking out the door.

Titus follows like always and I slam the door behind me.

No ones there anyway. No ones ever here anymore.

Where are we supposed to go? I just want to shoot some shit.

Old building.

The one in the park.

The one where I found Ian.

I don't really want to go back there.

You know what. Fuck it.

We walk across the street and go a little further than we probably need to.

I see the building and start walking to it.

It looks even worse than last time I was here.

Just some random ass building that no one wants to take care of.

I stop when I get to the entrance.

I don't like it.

Ian almost died here you prick of course you don't like it

I walk in anyway.

I must have some major fucking issues to do this.

Me, finding my boyfriend almost dead. How is this not going to affect me.

I walk up the stairs and stand in the middle of the room where Ian was found.


I start crying a little.

This is fucked up and it makes me sad.

I lean against the pillar in the center of the room and slide down it until my ass hits the cold cement.

My Ian. He was hurt and I couldn't help him because I was so concentrated and on not liking him.

I stare at the wall, the window not low enough for me to see over it.

"Mickey? Why are you here?"

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now