Moody boy

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I'm seeing Ian today.

Fiona said I should.

She said it could help him speak.

He hasn't spoke yet.

Not since I found him.

She said he hardly comes out of his room.

She says he hasn't done anything dangerous or anything like that.

The only thing he's done was come downstairs, take one look at his pill bottle and he threw it across the kitchen.

Everyone is meeting him today.

Like a family event.

It's starts at 2.

But it's already 12.

I need to just man up and go see him.

Why am I having such difficulty?

Ok, yeah I saved his life...but why does it hurt so bad?

If it hurts me this bad I don't want to know how bad it hurts his family.

Get up.

At least take Titus out you dumb fuck.


I get up and walk out of my room, just in my boxers.

Not even sorry.

And I don't think anyone is here so it doesn't matter.

I walk on the cold floor of my house and then I'm soon greeted by the cold ass air of outside.

It snowed.


Titus' sweater makes him look like a fucking stop sign in comparison to the snow.

He pees and comes back up the stairs.

I hope some kids get tricked into eating yellow snow.

I was always the one making kids eat it by telling them different things like it was flavored or "special snow".

Wow I was mean

I still am mean.

I walk back to my room and sit on the bed and look at the clock


Looks like I have enough time to shower.

Seeing the Gallagher house is practically walking distance.

I get in the shower and take a long ass time because showering feels ducking great, I don't know why.

Warm water is a blessing I know that.

I get out of the shower and dry most of the way off and wrap the towel around my waist and cross the hall back into my room.

I look at the clock and it says 1:12

Wow I did take a long time.

I pick out a black dress shirt and black jeans along with nice dress shoes.

They aren't really dress shoes they're more just like...nice looking.

I put on my boxers and out on my jeans and sit back on the bed.

I don't have to be ready yet.

Should I go early?




I'll go just few minutes early.

Like 10 or 5.

"Titus, I would leave you outside but it is cold and you don't have a way to get back inside."

I put a plain black shirt on and then the button up one.

I grab socks and put them on and then my shoes.


Easily, time goes by

I can go sit outside with Titus for a minute.

I get up and push my phone, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter all into my pockets and head to the door.

I open it and let Titus go out and I sit on the step.

I take out the cigarettes and he lighter and place it next to me.

I haven't smoked in a long time.

At least I don't think so.

This shit is bad for me.

And I don't want to go to Ian's smelling like cigarettes.

But I want to calm the fuck down too.

I take out the cigarettes one my one and break them in half and throw them onto the side of the porch.

I sit on the step and watch a few cars pass. And a few people pass.

One specifically being Lip.

Heading towards his house I can tell.

When did he pick up smoking?

A while ago I guess.

I thrown the lighter onto the snow and Titus jumps towards and digs through the snow to find it.

He lets it go and continues to walk through the snow.

I pick up my phone and turn it on 1:51

I guess I can start heading over there.

I pick up my phone and go back inside and I bring Titus with me into my room.

I make sure Titus has food and water and then leave him in my room. He instantly starts playing with his toys.

I shut my bedroom door and grab my coat from the living room and out it on.

I walk out of the door with my keys and my phone in my pocket and start waking down to the Gallagher house.

I walk for a short time and I can already see the Gallagher house.

I walk up the stairs and knock on the door and Fiona opens it and tells me to come in.

She takes my coat for me and then I see him

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