I did

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"Ian Gallagher? Is he here?"


I hope Ian's ok. She's freaking out.

Well, so am I but, that doesn't need explaining.

This is her family.

If this was Mandy it would probably be the same.

I guess I missed the other half of the conversation because Fiona starts walking and I'm still 10 feet behind her.

I follow her.

I follow her as she turns the corner.

And I follow her as she enters a hospital room.

Mickey do you really want to go in there?

No but yeah.

It hits me; I found Ian Gallagher almost dead

Did I save his life?

Was he even dying?

Do I want to find out?

No I don't want to find out.

I walk in the room anyway.

Ian's asleep.

Fiona's crying.

And the heart monitor is beeping.

That's a good sign

He's alive.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Uh..no. I don't." I look at the ground because I don't have answers to what she wants to know.

She wants to know if her brother is going to live but honestly, I don't know.

I don't know what happened.

I don't know what's going to happen.

I don't know what I should do.

"Were you with him? When...this happened?"

"No. I just found him."

"Ok so Ian Gallagher."

A doctor

Doesn't seem like a doctor.

"Is he ok?"

"Well, it seems that Ian has overdosed..."

"On what?" I ask

"His bipolar medication." She whispers

Fiona grabs his hand and put her head in the bed and seems to start crying harder.

"I know we are running in circles here but, who found him?"

"I did" the words don't want to come out of my mouth but I force them.

I didn't want to be the one to find him

But I'm glad I did.

He would have died without me.

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now