I do not

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I do not need to see Ian Gallagher today.

I do not want to see Ian Gallagher.

I do not like Ian Gallagher.

I do not want to like Ian Gallagher.

I do not....Ian Gallagher.

The fuck was that sentence?

I do not want to do anything.

I do not want to finish business.

I do not want to get back up.

I do however want something to eat.

Yeah, yeah I want something to eat.

I get up and walk out of my room and see Mandy sitting on the couch. She looks at me.

"Why are you all wet?"

"I took a fucking shower?"


"The fuck does 'oh' mean?"

I stand behind the couch and Mandy just looks at me.

"Nothing." She turns back around.

What the fuck? Can't a man take a shower without being interrogated?

I walk a few more steps into the kitchen and open the fridge.

There's nothing but a few beers and some other random stuff.

"Mandy! Where's the food?" I yell.

"We don't have any, dumbass!"

"Oh my fucking God! I'm going out. I'm starving."

I walk back to my room to put jeans on. I grab my coat and shove a small handgun into the inside pocket.

I put my shoes on and walk out of my room and to the front door.

"Get me something?" Mandy asks.

"If we had food in the first place I would have to get you anything." I open the door and go to walk out.


"Fucking maybe." I say and shut the door behind me.

I look out and I see none other than Ian Gallagher walking down the street.

Get the fuck back in the house.

Shit! Go!

I open the door back open and walk back into my room, passing Mandy.

"I forgot something..."

I walk back to my room and shut the door and look out of the corner of the window.

He better walk faster.

I wait until he is about to turn the corner to the street to walk back out of the room.

Mandy looks at me when I walk out but I ignore her.

None of her damn business anyway.

I walk out of the front door and shut it again and walk down the steps.

With Ian out of sight I walk down the street and down to the store.

Definitely not going to the store he works in.

Not now, not for a while.

Until I get over this thing.

Maybe I'm just sick or something.

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now