Secrets &Lies

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Harry's POV

Did I just make out with Sammy? Yep I did. And I regret nothing. Although I kept thinking that I took it too fast on her. Yeah we've only known eachother for a few hours but, she's different.

I was never really the type to fall for someone just by looking at the .. But her ..

It feels like something I can't ever explain.

I don't want this night to end. When she pulled us a away... I didn't want her to but, I understand if she felt like it was going to fast. She really is a good kisser actually. She has smooth lips and they taste like strawberries.

We talked and talked.

I learned more about her. After a while, I pulled her close to me. We cuddled in the little leather couch. It felt so right being here with her...

Niall's POV

I woke up around 3 in the morning. Wow it was dark, I turned on the flash light that my phone has and saw everyone was asleep... wait as sec... where's Sammy and Harry ? I'ma go look for them.

I walked around the studio. It wasn't too dark, there were a few lights.

I walked into one of the recording rooms and saw two body figures on the couch. Yep it's 'Sarry' alright. Hahahaha Sarry. They were sleeping.

Sammy was laying down of ontop of Harry. Aww cuties. I know she just broke up with Nathan but, Harry and Sammy should sooo go out. Well I'ma go back to "bed"

Sammy's POV

I woke up and noticed I was still in the recording room, on top of Harry. He's so hot. Yes HOT. I could feel his six pack by just touching him in that area.

I picked up my phone and saw I had no messages from Nathan.. at all. He didn't answer my breakup text. I felt bad but I mean, he deserves it for being an ass.

I heard rustling. I turned around to see Harry waking up. "Goodmorning Beautiful" he said in his morning voice..  "Goodmorning Harold" I smiled and patted his knee.

"Sleep well?" He asked. His morning voice is... damn. "Yeah, I slept pretty comfortable. How about you?"  I asked trying not to sound.. weird.

"I slept pretty well, better than ever before."  "That good." I smiled at him, making him poke my dimple.

I giggled and blushed. "Uhh... we should go check on the guys and girls." I said kinda worried about getting caught. I'm not ashamed about being with Harry.. alone, but I don't want anyone to think I'ma a... slut.

I mean really, I just broke up with someone yesterday. I'll just keep it a secret between what happened last night.

"Okay, hey Sammy?" He asked. "Yeah?"  "Can I have one last kiss before we leave?" I felt woozy and nervous. I want to kiss him but, I just can't. "Later" I gave him a tiny smile so he won't take it as a bad thing. "Okay" he looked down and made a cute innocent expression. Making me WANT to kiss him. I can't just kiss him.

We went down the hall and nobody was there. Camila and Niall were though.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, making both of them turn around. "Why didn't you tell me that you and Harry were together!?" Camila yelled. What the hell?

Whose been saying that? "What are you talking about? We're not together." I said, giving her a shocking reaction.

"But, Niall was telling m-" she pointed at him but then stopped talking. "Nevermind" she gave me a smile. I knew she didn't want to snich.

"So.. where is everybody else?" I asked again since nobody answered the first time. "Oh, they just went to get some breakfast. They'll come back soon." Niall answered.

Alrighty then. The mob was gone and I want to go home and rest well. I then got a text from Nathan. Oh god..

"Hey. Sorry I didn't answer earlier. So.. first of all. I know that I have changed and that I have done and made you feel bad. I get it and I'm sorry. I just don't think we should break up. I still love you so much. Please don't let me go."

I really couldn't tell if he was faking it. I thought he was going to come see me today. He probably cancled. What should I tell him? I just don't want to be with him anymore. The feeling I had for him are fading away quite fast. How could this be?

"Look Nathan. Honestly, you did changed major. And I can't take you back for so many reasons. I'm sorry. I really am." I replied. 1 minute later, he answered.

"Okay fine Sammy be like that. I still love YOU and ONLY YOU. There's been something I've needed to tell you. When I was at London, a month ago. I kinda made out with this other chick. I'm sorry for cheating but, I still want you."

What?... what? He.. cheated on me, he played me, he disrespected me, he lied to me... this happened a whole month ago!?

And he couldn't just tell me!? I'm not answering him. I officialy just.. hate his guts. I grabbed my hair and just wanted to yank it out. I was so pissed.

"What's wrong?" Asked Harry with a concerned face. I wanted to answer him but, I was to mad to even speak.

I opened my mouth and no words came out. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Uh.. uhuh. Yeah." Was all I could say.

"Nathan can get to... ridiculous and stupid." I said.

"Oh, I think we've known that for a long while." Niall said acting not surprised. "Just ignore him and don't listen to him.." said Harry.

He had his head down. He sounded kind of upset. "Yeah... yeah I know. I am." "Good"

Everyone else came back. "Sorry mates, we couldn't bring you anything." Niall had a really mad face when he said that. I laughed but, then again I should shut up before Niall kills me instead of Louis.

"O-K-A-Y" spelled out Niall. "Well.. I think I'ma go home now and rest. We have a big week ahead of us." I said.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna go now too." Agreed Dinah. " Okay well, we're gonna stay at the Armani hotel here in L.A. so if you girls want to hangout just ring us and let us know." Said Liam.

Aww they liked us. "Alrighty we will" Lauren said, giving them hugs. We all said goodbye. When i reached to hug Harry goodbye, he whispered in my ear saying "Text me" I blushed and nodded my head.

I walked to my car. I turned on the engine and drove away. What a day. It was around 3 in the afternoon already.

I unlocked my door, I called out for my dad.. no answer. He must be at work. I'ma take a shower, eat, then take a long nap. I got into the shower.

The warm water touched my body, I felt so soar for some reason. It'll go away. I got out of the shower once I finished. I ate some yogurt and went to my room. Damn... I've been thinking a lot about Harry, the way he would talk to me made me feel good and important.

His lips were so soft. The way his curls would tickle my face when I hugged him. I miss him, and it's only been 3 hours since I've seen him. I grabbed my phone to take a look at his number till I saw I had an email from Simon.

"Hello darling. I had an amazing idea. Starting next Monday, I want to take you to New York so we could start of with some Interviews. Although, One Direction are coming along too because they have some meet and greets they have to be at. You will be staying in the same hotel as well. Take care. Be ready. Xx"

Stage one to the dream? Check! Now.. I'ma take a nap...

Harry's POV

I want to text Sammy so bad but, I feel like I'm bothering her too much. I'll just do it later. Wait for the right time I guess.

The boys and  I got an email from Simon saying that we're goung to New York next Monday for sime meet and greets. That's awesome but, the part I'm mostly excited about that we're going to be in the same hotel with Fifth Harmony. Cool. Can't wait.

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