Mornings and Interviews

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Camila's POV

I woke up around 7 in the morning. Sammy was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I came back to the bed room and saw that Sammy's phone was vibtating on the table. I picked it up and saw that Harry was calling. Should I answer? Yes. "Hello" I spoke into the phone. "Goodmorning babe." Harry said. "Harry, it's Camila." I tried not to laugh. "Oh. Goodmorning. Is Sammy around?"  "She is, but she's still sleeping. You can come over though." I asked. "Okay, I'll be there in 10 seconds." Harry's coming. Sammy's gonna get so pissed at me. She still loves me.

Harry's POV

I got embarressed when I knew Camila was on the other end of the phone. She asked me to come over, of course I wasn't going to say no. I knocked on there door and waited for an answer. "Heg Harry" Camila whispered. Ones she whispered, I knew that she was planning to fool Sammy in sime sort of way. "Hey." I stepped inside. "I'na go get breakfast with the girls. If you want, you can stay here with Sammy" she winked at me. Does she know that I like Sammy? "Yeah okay. I'll stay here with her. Keep her company." I said. She nodded and was walking away slowly. "I know you like her. That's why I invited you over. You're welcome." Camila is now one of my best lady friends. She's awesome.

When I heard the door shut. I turned to look at Sammy, she's so adorable when she sleeps. I smiled. I sat on the bed, sitting on right next to her. I was still ib my pajamas so, I got comfortable pretty fast. I just sat there, waiting she'll wake up any minute. I was still pretty tired so I decided to just lay down for a while. I got closer to Sammy by the minute. I reached up to her, literaly just milimeters away from out bodies. I put my arms around her waist, embracing her. I don't ever want to let go. I felt her rustle...

Sammy's POV

I felt strong arms around me. What the hell? Who us this? I rustled around as I was just waking up. I turned around and saw Harry. I got scared out of my mind. I really didn't see that coming. "Ahh!" I yelled pretty squeakishly and I fell off the bed. That was humiliating, but I got scared. "Sammy are you okay!" Harry yelled as he got iff the bed and helped me up. "Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry.. I just didn't see that coming" He laughed and gave me a smile. "Okay good. Actually I'm sorry for scaring you." He smirked. "It's okay. Now that it was you, I regret nothing." His smuld resumed. He's so cute. "I'ma go brush my teeth really fast okay? Brb." I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. "I'm done." I said, as I walked in the room. Harry was sitting on the bed. I stood ontop of the bed and jumped. I was ina really good mood. Harry started laughing. "What are you doing?" Harry asked while he looked at me. "I'm jumping on the bed. What's it look like I'm doing?" He smiled at me and looked at my leg. He grabbed it and pulled it. Making me fall on the bed. "You killed my vibe" I looked at him luke if I was mad. "Haha, you're too funny." He said. "Can we lay down? I'm still kinda tired." I asked him. "Yeah, good idea." I crawled into the blanket. Harry followed. I layed down and Harry layed down next to me. He put his arm around me. He digged his face into my neck. It tickled, but it felt awesome. I closed mt eyes and felt that Harry was leaving a trail of kisses up and down my neck. I hope he doesn't hit my weak spot again...

Harry's POV

I was in bed with Sammy, I hugged her and put my head into her neck. I then started kissing her neck up and down. I went all the way up to her jaw line, I kissed it and went up to her lips. I kissed her lips a few times till we heard a door knock. Damn it. "Ugh... I'll get it." Sammy said, she sounded quite mad. She stood up and went to the door. I stayed on the bed and hit my face with a pillow. "Do you not have a key?" I heard her say. "I do, but I didn't feel like opening it." I heard Camila's voice. Well.. this means we have to stop. Not only did Camila and Sammy walk in the room, but the rest of the Fifth Harmony girls. Well this was awkward. "Hey Harry" Lauren said. "Hey ladies" I greeted them. "Sammy we have to get ready, NOW. We have to be at that interview in 2 hours." It was 1 already? Time goes by realy fast when I'm with Sammy. "Okay. I'ma go get ready. Um.. Harry is ig okay if I go get ready and the girls keep you some company?" She asked me. "Yeah it's alright, go get ready. I'll get ready as well and I'll come back here to wait for you." She smiled and said okay.

Sammy left the room. I was now with the girls. "So... you and Sammy. Are you two a thing now?" Ally asked. "No. Not really. I want to wait a while, I don't want her to think that I'm taking it way to fast." I replied. "Well.. you two would make such a cute couple together." Said Dinah. "Thanks, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend soon." They all gave eachother a smile, looked at me and at the same time they said "Awww" I smiled at them. I'm glad they think we'd be a good couple. "I'll see you later girls, I'ma go change." I got my beanie and left.

I opened the door to my room and saw Louis and Zayn were ready to go somewhere. "Where are you lads going?"  I asked. "We have to go to a signing remember?" Zayn said. "What!? Why didn't anyone tell me!?" I yelled. I didn't know we were supposed to go to a signing. I'm late. "Well, we tries telling you but you weren'y here most of the rime and you won't answer your phone." I can't believe I missed this. "I'm sorry but I'ma go get ready." I went to my bag as fast as I could and put on my white V-neck, black skinny jeans and my Converse. I fixed mt hair and I was ready to go. That was easy. I left the room and went to our car to leave to the mall for the signing. I texted Sammy letting her know that I had to leave. "Hey Love, the boys and I have to go to a signing, I'll see you after youe interview." It's gonna be a long day. She replied saying "Okay, I'll see you then. Have lots of fun Xx" I smiled at the text like an idiot.

Sammy's POV

I was ready to go to our first interview. We were in the car and we were almost there. "I can't believe we're going to OUR interview." Said Ally. "Neither can we Ally.. Neither can we."

We arrived at the Today Show studio. We went inside and we got greeted by the host, Natalie Jhonson. "Hello girls, I'm happy to know that I'll be interviewing you today. I'll call you girls up in a sec." We greeted her as well and waiting for our name to be called out...

"Good afternoon people of New York, today we have 5 very special ladies names Camila, Ally, Sammy, Dinah, and Lauren bow known as Fifth Harmony. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Fifth Harmony!"

We walked onto the stage and sat down on a couch.

"Hey girls, so you are Simon Cowell's  newest people that he's producing am I right?" She asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Camila said.

"How does it feel to know that you are finally here, to the big deal?"

"It's pretty amazing, we didn't think it would happen this fast actually, we're excited to start with our music. All we did was not loose hope." I said

"That's good. And how would you lable yourself as?"

"Um.. Camila is the funny one. Lauren is the responsible one. Dinah is the chill one. Sammy is the .. flirty leader. And I'm the awkward one." Ally said.

"I am NOT the leader. I would consider myself the weird one."

"Haha why is that Sammy?" Natalie asked.

"I don't know, I just bring up weird topics to talk about like Turtles or Trampolines." I said.

"I like you girls a lot already. Do any of you have boyfriends?" Natalie asked. Dinah and Lauren raised there hands. They're the ones with boyfriends back home.

"Dinah and Lauren only?" Natalie said.

"Yep, we're the cool, single ones of the group. Haha" I hope Natalie doesn't bring Nathan up. "How about you Sammy? Anyone new?" The girls looked a me.

"Wel.. all I'm going to say is that I got my eye on someone." That's all I'm saying. "Will that someone be your love soon?" I didn't k ow what to say. "Maybe he will." Was the best I could say.

The rest of the interiew was just about our story before we got signed to Syco Records.

We were done with the interview and when we stepped outsie, we saw a few groups of girls holding up posters that said "We Love 5H♥" they're little fans? That fast? That's awesome. We signed a few autographs here and there, then we got on the car. We were on our way to the hotel. This was one of the coolest days ever. It was already around 8 p.m. I was exhausted. We went up to our rooms and I changed into my pj's. I remember that I was supposed to see Harry, but he wasn't here yet. I'ma take a nap...

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