Best Day Ever

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Harry's POV

An hour later.

"That was amazing." I said. Sammy and I just finished doing buisness. I love showing, my love for her. "Are you going to say that everytime we have sex?" She asked. I laughed. "Maybe I will. Everytime we do it, it just gets better. Even if we've just done it twice." I said. She giggled into the blanket.

"You're so adorable." I said to her, I hugged her putting my arms around her undressed body. "Thanks, but you're a lot more adorable." She said. "Haha no I'm not babe. I love you so much, did you know that?" I said to her. She looked at me and hit her lip. "No, I did not know that." She said sarcastically.  I bit my lips inbetween my teeth. "Then maybe I gotta show you, again." I said. I grabbed and started doing my sex stages again...

Sammy's POV

Harry can be so... playful. I never want to leave him, EVER. After everything he's done, said, and made for me, I'll be very sure to never let him go. We were both really soar and surely tired after what we did in just 2 hours... TWICE.

"Babe." Harry whispered into my neck. "Hm?" I asked.  "Do you think that we'll be able to handle such a long time without eachother, when I go on tour?" He asked. "Yeah, we can handle it. As long as we know how to handle it." I said. "How?" He asked. "Well, we should know that time or distance isn't really important." I I explained. He kissed md and nodded his head. "I love how you're always right." He said.

"It's not that I'm always right, I just know how to make a point." I said. "Both." He said. Ring, ring, ring. My phone rang. It was Zayn. "Hey Zayn." I answered. "Hey sis. What are you up to?" He asked. "Just playing FIFA with Harry. You?" I said. "Having a good time. Just called to let you know that we'll be going home in a about an hour or two." He said. "Alright, good to know." I said. "Alright. Behave, bye." He said. Click. He hung up.

"Liar." Harry said behind me. "Well, what do you want me to say? 'Hey Zayn, Harry and I just had sex, twice actually.' Did you want me to say that?" I asked sarcastically.  "Fine. What else did he say?" He asked. "They'll be home in two hours." I said. "Then we better get showering and go to bed." He said, then winked. "Mm... okay. Lets go." I said. He had a surprised look on his face, he loked at me to see if I was kidding or not. "I'm serious." I said. Right when I said that, he ran up to me and grabbed me. We went into the shower together.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Harry said. "Why? I thought you've wanted to." I said. "Trust me, I do. I just finding it strange that you all of a sudden said yes so quickly. You're too much a a sweet little girl to me." He said. "Pfft, I'm not that sweet, babe." I said. "Yes you are." He said. "I'm a big rebel. You just haven't seen it yet." I tried sounding bad. "I see. What's the worst that you've done?" He asked. I turned on the water and it ran through our bodies, it felt really warm. "Umm... I stole a cookie from Simon." I said. That kinda is the worst that I've done.

"Faisty." He said. "Aha." I said. I went to my right, where the eater was running down. Harry was behind me, I turned to look at him and I saw him looking up and down at me. "You saw enough, an hour ago." I said. "I never get enough from you." He said. "When will you have enough with me?" I asked. He hugged me from the behind, "Never." He said.

"Harry, am I the only girl you'll be calling you're princess,  forever." I was curious to ask. "No." He said. Well then, that's mean. "But... why? I thought you said that I was going to be yours forever." I said. "You are. I'm just saying that you're not gonna be my princess forever. You're going to be my queen, then our little daughter will be my princess." He said, I felt myself blush. That was the cutest thing ever. "Awwww, Harry." I hugged him tight and kissed his chest and up to his lips.

"I love you." He said, "I love you too."

When Harry and I were done showering, we got into our comfortable clothes and went to our bunks. We looked at eachother across. We held hands on the space between us, he was only about 2 or 3 feet away from me so we kinda stretched.

"I think it's amazing how we first found eachother. You were getting ready to make your dreams come true, when all of a sudden, we met." He started the conversation. "I know, I was actually freaking out in the inside, but in the outside, I was like 'It's One fucking Direction!' Although, the only was I was truly freaking out for was you. You would always be the one that I'd be more into." I explained.

"You're really good at hiding your emotions. Once I saw you, I was actually freaking out inside as well. My heart started racing and I felt like I wasn't ready to meet the love of my life, cause I was looking horrible." He said. I thought he looked hot that day. "You did not, you looked good. I was the one looking bad." I said, "No you didn't! You looked beautiful." He said. "When do I look bad?" I asked. "Never. Not even when you're mad or sad. Cause when you're mad, it's a turn on. Then when you're sad, you still look adorable. I still fix our problems though." He said.

"I don't know what to say. You just told me your turn on." I said. "Now you have to tell me a turn on." He teased. "Haha no sir." I said. We're not supposed to talk about our turn on's or turn off's. "Please I already told you one of mine, now I want to know yours." He pleased.

"Ugh. Fine, I think it's a turn on when you take control when we have our makeouts." I said. I had to be honest. "That was my goal. Thanks for letting me know babe." He said. "You were teasing me about it before I even told you." I said. "That's how I get you to do things, you're too hard to get." He said. "Well, yeah..." It's a good thing to be hard to get. It proves that you're not a slut.

I yawned. "Are you tired?" He asked. "Yeah, kinda. What time is it?" I asked. He checked his watch. "It's 10:46" He said. Ugh, it's getting late. "I understand. A show today, I happened twice, yeah I get you." He said. "Are you tired?" I asked him this time. "Not at all, I'm in a tood mood." He said. "Do you want me to stay up with you?" I asked. "No, I want you to get a goodnight sleep, I see you're very tired." He said. "Are you sure? Cause-" he cut me off. "Please sleep. You know you want to. And you don't need to stay up for me." He said. "... okay. I love you." I said. He got out of his bunk and came to me. He kissed me passionately and tucked me in. This is so... dreamy.

"I love you more. Goodnight babe. Sleep with the angels." He said to me. He went back to his bunk and just looked at me. I giggled into my blanket and closed the curtain. I heard him laugh. I love his raspy voice, it's so cute.

I hope Zayn and everyone else come back home soon.

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