Dreams Do Come True ♪

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Sammy's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at my phone and saw Camila's picture on the screen, she's calling me. I answered.

"Hello.." I was so freaking tired. "Sammy! Where are you!?" "What do you mean where am I? I'm at home." "You're gonna be late for the meeting at school with Mrs. Clark!" Holly..! I forgot it was Monday and we have a meeting about the Music Room! They were gonna take it away and we wanted to talk to the principal about us not wanting that to happen. "I'm late! I'll be there as possible. Gotta go!" I hung up the phone to got ready. How could I not have the alarm on?

I got ready and drove to school.. carefully. I ran inside the school, straight to the teachers launge. Mrs. Clark, Camila, Dinah, Ally, and Lauren were there. They looked at me as if they were mad. I sat down awkwardly next to Ally.

"I'm so sorry for being late Mrs. Clark." I said under my breath

"It's alright. Shall we just get to the point of why you girls have to speak to me?" Mrs. Clark said.

"We shall" said Ally.

I went first to speak. "Okay, we think that you shouldn't take away our music room." "And why not?" Mrs. Clark said, raising her voice. "Well... because it's helpful for this school and a lot of your students are very into the music activities we have here"  "Good point but, if I keep that room then you girls have to sign a contract saying you will be responsible of the students not messing with the intruments. That's one issue we're having"  "Okay, we'll take it" I said. The girls looked at me giving the look of 'are you crazy'. Oh well. We HAVE to keep that room, we need it.

We signed the contract and went to the library. Dinah started telling me that it was too big of a responsibilty. I didn't mind it. we're mature enough. Right...?

We then went to first period. Same things
different day. I can't wait to graduate, I want to leave this school already. I sat down on my desk next to the most annoying kid ever ! David Bracamonte. He's always annoying me making sexual moans and tries flirting with me. I just ignore him trying not to turn to him.

"Hey sexy" I heard David say. Don't say my name, don't say my name. "Sammy!" Oh my god.. are you kidding me? I turned to look at him and said hi. I looked away as fast as I could.

He then started pocking me with a pencil. "Dude ! Leave me alone !"  "Sammy!" The teacher Mrs. Bell yelled at me. "Why are you yelling in class?"  "David keeps buggi-" I got cut of my Mrs. Bell saying "go to the office. Right now !"  "But-"  "Go now!" I grabbed my stuff and left the classroom. I ain't going to the office. I'm staying in the bathroom while I wait for 2nd period. I put my stuff down and grabbed my phone. I saw that I had a message from ... my boyfriend, Nathan. Yes, Nathan Sykes from The Wanted. Everybody took it as a big deal but, why? He's just a normal guy.

"Hey babe, I'll be in Los Angles by tomorrow. Hope you're doing okay, stay out of trouble and text me when you're out of school okay? Love you lots!♥"

He's so cute. We've been together for 6 months already. Although I've been worried because there has been so many cheating rumors on twitter. I don't really like bringing it up to Nathan because I don't want to cause problems. At least not till I ask him in person.I'll text him after school.

*After School*

Stupid day.

I texted Nathan. "Hey babe, I'm out of school. How are you doing?" I sent it and before I put my phone down, my phone rang.

It was Lauren calling me. "Hello?"  "Sammy, some guy called my dad saying that we have to go to Syco Records!" What!? Oh my god!? Is this happening!? "Really!? When? Why? How?"  "Well, my dad says that THE Simon Cowell heard of our performance at the State Fair. He heard us and he said that he wants to meet us. He wants to make an arangment!" I'm seriously panicking. "When does he want to meet us?" I asked. "Today!" What the ... "where exactly is the studio?"  "Here in L.A not to far from the Mall." Really? And I never knew? Pfft wow. "Okay what time?"  We have to be there around 5"  "Okay we'll be there at 5 then."  "See you there!" I hung up. I can't believe Simon Cowell wants to speak to us! I have to get ready! Again.

*5 p.m.*

I drove to the studio with sweaty palms. I got off the car when I parked outside. Wow... that's a huge building. I waited for the girls to arrive. I saw a white limo park infront of the building. Holly Moly, must it be someone big? I looked and saw some guys get off the limo. I didn't get to see there faces. I want to know who it is but, I don't wanna be interuding on anything. I saw a blue Mustang come. That's Dinah, I saw the rest of the girls get off the car. Great, we're all here.

We all gave eachother a smile and walked towards the entrance door. I saw a lady in a blue and kaki uniform. I asked for Simon Cowell and she said "Ahh. You must be Fifth Harmony"  "Yeah... yeah we are" I gave her as smile. She gave us some directions to where Simon was.

She opened the door with a bracket that said 'Cowell' on it  the opened the door and I saw Simon sitting... Right.. there. It's Simon freaking Cowell. He turned around and said "Fifth Harmony"  " I was frozen. "Yes sir" Said Ally. "Take a seat" Simon said.

"Okay first of all, I want to give you girls a record deal. Simple as that. I really enjoyed you're voices. You're harmonizing is absolutely per-fect"

Simon said giving each one of us a winning smile."Thank you, this means a lot" said Camila. "You are so pretty too, you have the whole package. I see Fifth Harmony like another Little Mix."

  "Aww thank you, you're good looking as well" "yes, yes I know well lets get to you girls recording one simple song for me"  "okay, lets do it"

We're getting a record deal! Oh my god!

"Okay girls you know what to sing and do right?" We were in the recording booth ready to sing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Of course our own version of it. "Yes sir!" We said giving him a thumbs up. "Okay let's d-" Simon got cut of by some guys walking in the room.

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