Home Alone

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Harry's POV

"Harry give it back!" Sammy yelled out behind me. We were running around my house after steeling her phone. You don't get it back I'm never sleeping with you again"  She said as she kept yelling behind me.

"Hahaha I'd like to see you try try." I said. "Give it!" She yelled one more time. I ran into the bathroom downstairs and locked myself. "Harry, open the door." She said. "No, I'm snooping through your phone." I said, it's a turn on when she's mad. "What are you looking at?" She asked. "Just some pictures that you sexted me." I said. "We've never even sexted. Please give me my phone back, I have private stuff in there." She begged.  Not gonna work.

"Not anymore babe." I said. "Haaarryy." She said in a higher voice. "Come upstairs. I have a surprise for you." Is she just playing around or is she being real? "What surprise?" I asked, there was no answer. I think she went upstairs already.

I peeked out the door and checked if she was still here. I walked out slowly and looked around. "Babe?" I said. "Up here, sexy." I heard her say from upstairs. I went upstairs slowly and steady into my or our soon to be bedroom... and found her in bed. She was covering herself with the sheets. "Sammy?" I said then grabbed the blanket and lifted it up quietly.

Before I did anything else, she grabbed my neck and pulled me into bed. I was hovering over her as she found my lips and started kissing me. I kissed back and soon after that we had anothernone of our make out session's.

I started kissing her neck. "I.... love... you Harry." She said, breathing heavy. She pushed me away softly and said. "Now... give... me... my phone." "Wait. Did you....do... that on purpose?" I was breathing heavy as well. "Maybe, maybe not." She teased. She's good. I handed her phone back and layed down.

"Babe?" She asked. "Yes?" I said. "I have to tell you something." I turned to her and looked her carefully and listened. "What is it? Are you pregnant?" I messed around with her. "No. I'm still a virgin." She said. I've never dated a girl that's a virgin. This makes her even more amazing. "That's great to know. So... what do you need to tell me?" I asked. She bit her lip put her hair through her hair.

"Well... while you were gone on tour... I kinda.. I got a.." She continued but somehow could say it. "A?" "I got a tattoo." She said. My mouth fell open. "You... what?" I couldn't believe it. "I got a tattoo." She repeated. "Why? How? When? Where? Of what?" I began asking questions

"A week before you came back, because I wanted one, at Paris, and..." she said then layed down and uncovered herself. She put down part of her shorts down. Showing her hip bone. "This." She showed me her tattoo.

It was an infinity sign that said 'Forever' on the top and 'Always' on the bottom. It was a cute tattoo for her. I like it. "That's amazing." I admitted. "I thought you'd get mad." She said. "Oh I am, cause you didn't ask for permission from me, but I still like it." I said. "Permission? From you?" She said and began laughing. "Why is that funny?" I asked before I listed her shirt up a little and tickled her stimach with my mouth, making a weird noise.

"Harry stop!" She said as she laughed harder. I stopped and kissed her lips and threw myself down to the bed.

She grabbed her pillow and put it against her face. "Babe?" I asked. "Hmm?" She hummed into the pilloe. "I'll be back soon, okay?" I said. She took the pillow off her face and turned to me. "And where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going to Bradford." She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Uhh... why?" She asked. "Because, I have to talk tonsomeine and I'm going to bring you more clothes." I explained. "Okay. So I'm staying here longer?" She asked, she looked unsure. "Yes ma'am. Whether you like it or not, you're staying with me." I smiled at her. "What if my dad doesn't approve?" She asked.

"I'll take care of that." I said then got up and put some fresh clothes on.

"Whatever you do, don't leave this house okay?" I said. I don't her leaving because fans and paparazzi's are too dangerous but risky around here. "Mkay. But I am going outside, as in the front or back yard." She said. "Okay, but please be careful." "I will. Don't worry." She said and winked at me.

"I am and I will." I teased. Sammy ran into my closet. "What are you doing?" I said then chuckled. I walked towards the walk - in closet. Before I went in there, she walked out wearing one of my shirts that fit her like a dress.

"Don't make me not want to go, please." I begged. It's like she was doing it on purpose. "I'm not." Sh said.nshe started runninf her hand up and down my body. "You better be going." She said. I didn't remember that I had to leave before it got late.

"I don't want to, but ugh, okay." I kissed her and left the room. I hope she'll be okay here...

Sammy's POV

I wonder who Harry needs to talk to. I hope it's not a girl, I'm okay with it for now because I trust him. "Zaylie!" I yelled out for her. "Zaylie!" She came running inside the room. "Come here." I patted the seat infront of me. She jumped on the bed and I started petting her.

After that. My phone rang. It was an unknown number, probobly some prank caller. I picked it up anyway.


"Is this Sammy? Sammy Malik?"

"Uh, yes. Who is this."


Who ever that was, just hung up. It was a guy for sure, cause he had a deep voice almost similar to Harry's,  just not raspy. Although it did sound familiar. 

I went back into the closet and put on some seats that Harry had. These booty shorts are getting annoying. I went downstairs after I changed and opened the door to go to the back yard... turns out. The door was already fully open..

Harry's POV

I arrived at Bradford and went straight to the Malik's. The person I needed to talk to was Mr. Malik.

I got off the car and knocked on the door. "Hello Harry. Nice to see you again." Mrs. Malik opened and greeted me. "Hi, nice to see you too." I said. "Come in. Come in. Where's Sammy?" She asked. "She's at my house. Don't worry she's perfectly fine." I said. I hope she won't get mad. "As long as I know she's okay, then I'm okay." She said.

"Hey Harry. What's up." Mr. Malik came in to the room and shook my hand. "Hello sir. May I speak with you?" I asked him. "Sure. Where's Samantha?" He asked. "She's at Harry's house, but Harry assured me that she was okay." Mrs. Malik made it clear. "Oh alright. So what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked before we sat down in the living room.

"Well... I actually came by to ask you a question. I wanted to ask you if... it was alright if uh... If Sammy can.. If Sammy can move in with me." I finally had the urge to finish my sentence. Mr and Mrs. Malik looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh but, Harry..." continued Mrs. Malik. Mr. Malik turned to look at his wife. "She's only 18" He said. Damn it. "Son, you've only been dating for 3 months" I new they'd say that.

"Please. I love your daughter very much. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her in any way. She's changed my life, she means everything to me and I want her to be with me for a ling time, atleast I'm not asking you for her hand just yet. Maybe she's 18, going into 19 next month, but really? Does love really have an age when we're just 18 and 19 years old? We're matture enough to know what we're doing. Please." I gave them a whole speach about how I felt.

"Well... if you won't hurt her, get her pregnant, disrespect her, or take advantage of her. Then it's okay with us. But you have to visit often alright?" Mr Malik said. Yes! I can't believe they approved!

"I'll go pack her clothes" Mrs. Malik got up and walked upstairs. She seemed kind of upset. "Thank you very much." I thanked them both. I can't believe she's moving in with me. Can't wait to tell her...

Sammy's POV

The door was fully open. I walked 2 steps back to grab my phone on the coffee table to call Harry and ask him if he left the door. Wait a sec... my phones not here. We're it go? I looked around to see if I dropped it or something.

"Hello beautiful." I heard a guy's voice behind me. I turned around slowly. Oh my god. It's him. What's he doing here? How'd he find me?

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