Home Sweet Home

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Harry's POV

We landed at London at 8 in the morning. Liam, Louis, Zayn, and I were driving home now. I was planning on going with Zayn to Bradford first, so I can pick up Sammy. She promised that she was going to come with me and meet my family. I had butterflies the whole way there. Zayn was in his car and I was in mine, I followed.behind him. Bradford was only about 45 minutes away. I listened some of my music along the way, I heard Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Nsync, and a little bit of moders music like Justin Timberlake, Ed Sheeran, Rihana, Maroon5, etc.

We finally reached up to a town. Zayn turned left into where there was huge houses. It was a good looking neighborhood. Zayn pulled over to a big two story house. I guess we're here. The butterloes started turning into a zoo. I stepped out of the car and walked over to Zayn. "We're here.mate." Zayn said. "Yup." Was all I could say. I was really nervous. Zayn nocked on the door. Waliyah opened. "Zayn!" She yelled. She jumped onto Zayn's arms and hugged him really tightly. Zayn hugged her back anf held her in his arms. "Zayn!" Came in running Safaa, then Donia after her. Zayn put Waliyah down and the rest hugged him. Safaa had tears of joy in her little eyes. Waliyah turned to me. "Hey Harry." She said. She gave me a hug then turned to the door. Mr and Mrs. Malik walked out. "Oh goodness!" Mrs. Malik yelled. She hugged Zayn and kissed him in the cheek. She started crying aswell. "Mum don't cry." Zayn said. "I've missed you so much." She said. I was hally tbey all got to see eachother, but... where's Sammy? "Hello Harry. Good to see you again." Mr and Mrs. Malik greeted me. "It's good to see you again too." I said. "I'm sure you're wondering where Sammy is. Right?" Waliyah asked me. "Yes, yes I am." I said. "Come." She said as she pulled my arm to go inside. "Excuse me." I said to her parents. "Welcome in." They said. Waliyah pulled me upstairs. She knocked on a door. "Sammy, I finally got you a welcome home present." Waliyah said into the door. "I'll be right out." I heard Sammy's voice on the other side. I heard her opening the door. She opened up and looked at me. She smiled brightly and threw herself at me. "You're welcome." Waliyah said. "Thanks Waliyah, this is an amazing present." Sammy said as she waa still wrapped around me. I hugged her tight and lifted her off her feet. Sammy had her arms around me, she took her head kff my shoulder and looked at me. Her face was only 2 inches away. "Hey kitty." She said, then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back if course. I felt a pair of hands touch my back then started pushing me into Sammy's room. It was obviously Waliyah. I then heard the door close behind us. That was literaly the nicest thing Waliyah has ever for me. Sammy seperated the kiss and stood up. "Hey babe." I said. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to your hometown first." She said with a questioning face. "I was, but remember you promised that you were going to meet my family? I want to take you with me. Today." I said. "Yeah I remember. Well.. I guess I'm going with you." She said. "Yay. Now lets go downstairs so you can greet Zayn then leave. I pulled on her hand and went downstairs. Zayn looked at us. "Hey Shamu." Zayn said. I guess that's his new nickname for Sammy."Hey Zaynster." Said Sammy. Haha Zaynster. They hugged then did their 'handshake'. "Um.. mom.. dad. I'm going to Holmes Chapel today with Harry. I'm meeting his family and I'll be back as soon as possible... okay?" She said. Mr and Mrs Malik gave eachother a look. "Mmm... alright. But I will be calling Anne just to make sure you two are there and if you're behaving." Mrs. Malik said. Sammy had a releaf look. "Alright. Thank you." Sammy sajd. She walked up to her parents and gave them a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later Munchkin." Sammy said to Safaa. Then hugged her. "No kiss for us?" Said Zayn. Sammy giggled and walked up to Zayn then Donia, then to Waliyah. "Buh-bye. Love you guys." Sammy said them we walked hand in hand outside, to my car. We stepped inside and drove away. "I'm really nervous to meet your mom." She.said. "You shouldn't. She's a very humble person. It'll be fine." I said. "But what if she thinks of me as a... bad person? What is she considers calling me a slut or something?" She said. She looked down. "Don't let those things get to you. Please. My mom will like you, I know she will." I said then gave her a smile. She smiled back at me. "I love you." I said. "Not as much as I love you." She said. I love playing this game, I always end up winning. "I love you more that what you love me." I said. "That's not possible." She said. "Hon, everything's possible. I love you and without you, I'm half a heart." I said. "... you win." She said. "I know." I said then reached for her cheek and kissed her.

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