Who's back

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Sammy's POV

"Take it from the top one more time ladies." Said Rooster. We were at our soundcheck and rehearsal with our vocal teacher/ choreographer/ instructor. He's really cool and chill. His name is blake but we call him Rooster. "Not again." Whined the girls. We've rehearsed Better Together over 10 times already and this is getting really exhausting. "C'mon. 1 2 3 4." Rooster counted. "Boy I miss you, said I really really do, boy I miss you, and now I understand that we're better together." We sang.

"Very good now ets try to do some high notes. I like tonplay a little competition. Who ever hits the highest note, wins an iphone case." He said. He held up an iphone cover, it was blue, glittery, and it had a 5H logo on it. The girls and I were freaking out cause we've never seen merchandise from us. "Okay lets do it!" We said. "You go first Dinah." Rooster said. Dinah went then it went to Ally, to Lauren, to camila, then finally me. They were all good and it was my first time trying to make a whistle note, so it was worth a shot, I really want that case. "Here I go." I said.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. Before I knew it my note eas coming out perfect. Rooster looked at me with his mouth wide open. "Since when can you do the whistle note!" He said. "Just now I guess." I said. Was it really that good? "Well girls, the winner is Sammy." He handed me the case and girls looked at me. "For now." Ally said. We all laughed and began with our rehearsals.

"Guess who's back!" We heard someone behind us. We turned around to see Harry, Niall, and Zayn standing in the entrance. Camila ran to Niall and jumped on him. "I've missed you so much!" Camila yelled. "Haha Camz? It's only been a week." I said to her. "That's too much." She said. I walked up to Zayn and hugged him. "Hey beautiful." He said. He lifted me off the ground and hugged me tight. Best brother ever. "Hey handsome. Did you two just get here?" I asked Zayn. "About half an hour ago yeah." He answered. I nodded okay. "When's your first show?" Niall asked. "Tomorrow." I said.

"Are you girls nervous?" Zayn asked. We gave eachother a look. "Not really. We've done this for a long time but at the same time it is nerve racking cause this is way different. Alot more people, bigger stage, different songs, you know." I said. "Yeah, we understand." Harry said. I guess they kinda went through the same?

"Okay girls, after 4 hours of practice you're all good to go.ni'll see you tomorrow." Rooster said as he packed his things. "Alright, thanks Roost." I said. We went to the bus and got cleaned up. "Damn. This bus is tight." Zayn said. "Yeah. It is." Ally said. "Hey ladies, hey guys, don't get undress ed into you pjs yet. Lets go to tomorrow's arena." Jake came in saying. "Okay. Lets go?" I asked the guys. "Lets go." Niall said. We heard the engine turn on we were on our way to the arena.

"I wonder how big it is." Lauren said. "It's pretty big. All of them are, but the biggest are M.S.G and the one in Mexico City." Zayn said. "Wow. This is going to be... amaZAYN." I said. Zayn turned to look at me and gave me a wink with a thumbs up. Haha retard.

I recieved a text, from Harry. He was right infront of me so I don't underst- wait, oh I see, Zayn's here and he doesn't want to get punched by saying something dirty or something. I opened it and it said

"Wanna hear a joke?"


"Why did the penguin fly?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Duh! Penguins can't fly!xD"

"Haha that's so hilarious." NOT

"I don't see you laughing."

"Well... it wasn't really funny. "

"I'm hilarious!"

"Ahuh cx"

"I wanna kiss you so badly."

"You known that we can't with Zayn here."

"But it's not fair. :c"

"I know, we'll hide from him at the arena. Backstage."

"Good idea c;"

"Haha love you. ♡"

"Love you more ♥"

"We're here !" Said Jake. The bus stipped and we got off. "Lets take a look inside." Jake said. We had 2 tour busses along with 5 trucks full of supplies we need for tour. The first people to come around us were the security guards. Then our musician followed us inside, they're pretty cool. We have Andy on Bass, Ray on Lead Guitar, Ryan on the Drums, and then Brent on Keys.well that's the crew.

Once I saw the inside, I couldn't believe how awesome this place is. "Oh my god." Ally said. We're not really used to big things like these yet so, of cource we're going to find it really amazing. We all walked down an aisle to go the stage. Everything we said was echoed around the buliding.

Camila and I ran up the stage and started singing as if we were already performing. Niall and Harry ran to the front row and pretended to be our biggest fans, "Oh my god Sammy I love you! Camila oh my god I love your shoes!" They started yelling. And Camila and I said hi to them, then they freaked out even more.

"Alright alright lets go see the back." Jake said. We ran backstage and it was pretty big, and nothing you would expect. There was a hall way filled with rooms where we change and do our makeup. Then at the way end of the building, there was somekind of gym, it was empty. I ran to Zayn and whispered something in his ear.

He ran out of the room. "Where did Zayn go?" Harry asked me. I didn't say anything. Zayn finally ran back with 2 skateboard's in his hands. One was mine and one was his. We grabbed them and started skateboarding around the room. "C'mon we gotta get back to the bus you two!" Jake said but we didn't listen to him.

"Get them." We heard Jake say to the securities. Zayn and I started laughing and skating faster. The tried gabbing us but struggled. One of the securites got Zayn but he ran and made it. "Run Sammy! Run!" The rest yelled out for me till it was too late and the guard cought me and lifted me up. I was on his shoulder now. "Take her straight to the bus," Jake said. Everyone was laughing really hard.

I saw that the other security had Zayn in the same position as I was. I felt someone smack my butt, I turned around to see Harry laughing silently.

We all went to where we were supposed to be. It was 8 p.m. and our cerfue is 9:00. I was to hyper to even sit, but I remembered I was 18 then I calmed down.

"Lets watch a movie." Said Lauren. "Which one?" I asked. "How about Insidious?" She asked. "Yeah I'm down to see it." I said. The girls, Niall, Zayn, Harry and I got comfortable on the floor and couches and began watching the movie.

Harry and I layed down on the couch and he had his arms around me. Zayn would look at us once in a while, but I already talked to him saying that there's really nothing bad about hugging or holding hands. "Are you scared?" I asked Harry. "Maybe a little bit, but since I have you, I feel better." He said. How sweet.

After a few minutes of watching the movie, Harry started kissing the back of my neck. I hope Zayn doesn't see this. "Follow me." Harry said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bunk room. There was a door bewtween the bunk room and the TV room, he closed it and locked it. "Harry, we're gonna get in trouble." I said. He ignored me and just held me close to him, he began to kiss up and down my neck. "I've been waiting to do this since we got here. And I'm so not letting Zayn ruin it." He said. He actually has a point.

"Harry." I said. "Mhmh." He hummed into my skin. He pushed me into a bunk then he layed down. I was was lying down ontop of him, and we started kissing, turning it into a makeout. "Say my name." Harry said. "No." I said. "Say it." He said again. "Ugh, Harry!" I yelled. Shit, Zayn probably heard that. "Harry get out, get out before he walks in." I said. "Babe, please. We can't let Zayn ruin this for us." He said. "I know but, I just don't want you two fighting." I said. He sighed and got out of the bunk.. we both did. "I'm sorry." I said. "Don't be. I understand." He said. "I love you." He finished. I looked at him. "I love you too." I said. I hugged him and kissed him one more time.

"Lets go finish the movie." I grabbed his hand and we went back to the room. Zayn was the first to look at us with a mad look. I smiled at him and Harry and I sta down on the couch. I'll be expecting a lecture from Zayn tomorrow...

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