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We arrived at the hospital, the EMT's took Sammy of the ambulance and rushed into the hospital. I ran in next to her, "Mr. Styles you can't go in there." One of the men tried pushing me back. "No, I have to go." He kept trying to pull me back but I didn't listen. "Let go!" I pulled myself away and ran to where they took Sammy. They closed the doors on me but that was my limit.

I went to the waiting room and saw Zayn, his parents, and his sisters here already. "What happend? Where's Sammy? Is she okay?" Waliyah asked. Mrs. Malik looked like she's been crying. "She's in a room, they just took her in. I don't know what happened, I just opened the door when I got home and I just-" I got caught off by Zayn. "Safaa, why don't you go with Perrie outside. Go help her." Zayn said. I knew he did that so she won't have to here such a horrible thing.

"She was just on the floor and she was loosing a lot of blood." Mrs. Malik started to sob. Zayn hugged her as he aswell started crying. Mr. Malik had a very upset face. Waliyah started to cry too. What did I do? The same, I feel like this is my fault. "I should have never left her alone. It's all my fault.." I started getting very andy at myself that I even started kicking the walls.

"Harry- Harry stop." Zayn tried calming me down. "No Zayn! Can't you see it's all my fault!" I exclaimed. "It's not your fault!" He said. I ignored him cause I knew it was going to turn into something ugly.

I sat down and put my hands through my hair trying to figure everything out. Nothing.

Soon after that, my mum and Gemma arrived. "Harry!" My mum came to me and hugged me. I guess she got scared causenI had blood all over me. Everyone else like Liam, Louis, Niall, Eleanor, Camila, Lauren, Dinah, and Ally came along a few hours later.

*5 hours later*

It was 12 p.m. and everyone is still waiting for an answer, anything from Sammy. Safaa went to sleep a while ago. Everyone was either crying or just really upset. I'm seriously terrified.  What if we get something bad? What if-

"Anyone here for Samantha Malik?" The doctor came and announced. Mr and Mrs. Malik stood up. I went along with them. "What is it Doctor? What happened?" Mrs. Malik asked.

"Well, she has been stabbbed and she did loose lots of blood. She got stabbed around between her wist and stomach, making it go in a little deeper. But gladly it didn't get anything serious. Right now, we sewed the area together, it will leave a scar though. All she needs is a few medications but what we seriously need right now is blood donations" The doctor said.  "I'm willing to give you as much blood as you need." I volunteered.  Anything for Sammy.

"Wait a sec. So do I." Zayn volunteered aswell.  "Thank you gentlemen.  Would you please step over here with me?" Zayn and I followed the doctor to a room and the took out a few pints of blood from us. We felt woozy but okay. I'm just glad that sammy's going to be okay.

"You alright man?" Zayn asked. "Yeah... I guess." I wasn't so sure about anything. "Be happy. She's gonna be okay." Zayn said. "I am. I just really feel bad. I wish this never happened. I want to see her." I said. I felt pain all over my upper body. My heart ached, my head hurt, and my throught hurt a lot from screaming.

"You love her a lot don't you?" Zayn asked. "You have nooo idea." I finished. The doctor came in and asked, "Would you lads like to come and see Ms. Malik now?" I've been waiting for those words the whole night. "Yes." I answered. "I'll be there in a few. I'll let you have some time." Zayn said. He knows me so well.

Zayn went back to the waiting room and I followed the doctor to Sammy's room. "It's the first room to your left. Just walk in." The Doctor said. "Thanks." I walked to the door and stood right infront of it. Nothing can hurt me more than looking at Sammy hurt or ill.

I opened the door slowly and looked inside. Mrs. Malik was in there. She was holding Sammy's hand and crying. I walked uo and put my hand her shoulder. She turned to look at me. "Oh it's you Harry." She smuled at me, but she srill had tears streaming down her face, her eyes were red. "You know... I just got her back. And now that this has happened... I felt like I was going to loose her again." Mrs. Malik said. As she said that, I looked at Sammy.

She looked so pale and skinnier that was she usually was. It broke my heart to see this. It broke my heart to here what I just heard from Mrs. Malik. "You're not going to loose her." I said to her. "How do you know?" She asked. "Because, if I won't loose her, I know you won't either." I said. I meant what I said.

Protect her Harry. Please. It'll mean a lot." She said. "I will, I promise. I'll guard her with my life." I promised. "Thank you... Harry, I need to give you something." She said and reached into her purse. She pulled out a box. She handed it to me. I looked at it and opened it. It was a bracelet that said H and S with and infinity sign. "Sammy got you that for your 3 minth anniversery, but I saw that she forgot it in her room before you two left." I just looked at it. She was so sweet to get me this. I loved it. "Well, I'll leave you teo alone. I've been in here a while." She said. She smiled at me and walked out of the room.

I turned to Sammy. She looked so... sick. I can't believe I let this happen. Thank God it didn't get too serious. I sat on a chair next to her. I held her hand in mine and looked at her. I felt my eyes starting to water. Before I knew it, I started crying more and more and more. "I'm sorry I let this happen. I'm sorry." I cried into her hand.

I felt her shift. I looked up. She fluttered her eyes. "...Harry?" She murmured.  "I'm here." I said. I stood uo and kissed her head. "It was him." She continued.  "Who was it?" I started getting serious. "James... Donia's ex boyfriend... It was him." She said. Oh my god. I can't believe this. I know that guy, I remember Zayn talking about him. "I'm finding him." I said to her. "No, he's to dangerous." She said. She struggled to talk a little bit. "I don't care, he's going to pay for what he did to you." I let her know. "Harry. Do you love me?" She asked me. "Of course I do." I said. "Then you won't go after him. You can just let the police find him. Please." She said.

She got me. "Hh... fine. I won't do it..." I said. I might not do it now but I will find him and do something about it. Cops, or no cops. "I love you." I said to her. "I love you too." She said back. I think it hurt her to talk. "Babe, does it hurt to talk?" I asked. She nodded yes. "I'm sorry." I held her hand a little tight. My heart just broke as I looked at her. Nothing else can be worse than to see this.

I put my head down, I was getting really tired. I'm staying here right next to her. Whether anyone likes it or not. I just want to be home, with her, in our house, and her healthy.

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