Mother's Love

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Sammy's POV

"Sammy.." said mom. "Mom.." I said. My eyes were starting to tear up. So were hers. I walked up closer to her and hugged her tightly. "I've missed you so much.." she said as she cried into my shoulder. She had a cute British accent as well. I started crying a little more. This was one of the most amazing things ever. I finally met my mom. "It's been too long." I said. "You're here now." She said as she seperated the hug a little. "Come inside. It's cold out." She daid as she whiped away her tears. I smiled at her and went inside.. my new house. "Meet your sisters." She said. She led me to 3 girls sitting in the living room. I waved hi. The smallest one, which was Safaa, came running to me. She hugged me. I smiled at her and leaned down and hugged her. "Hi Sammy." She said. She's so adorable. "Hey Safaa." I said. Doni and Waliyah walked up to me. I looked up. I stood up, "Hey Sammy. It's great to meet you.. again." Doni said. We've meet before. She two years older than me. "It's great to meet you again too." I said as we hugged. "Then there's Waliyah." I said as I smiled at her. She gave me a big smile and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back. "It's good to have you back." Said mom. "It's feels awesome to be back." I said, I had my arms around Safaa and Waliyah. "Come. I want to show you my room." Said Safaa, she pulled my arm towards up stairs. I folllwed her upstairs. I looked around and saw a lot of doors. It was a pretty big house, I knew Zayn bought this house a few months ago for out mom. It was sweet of him

"Here." Safaa said. She waved her hand at me leading me towards her room. Her door had her name on it. I went inside her room. She had pink walls and barbie dolls everywhere. "This is a really cool room. You like Barbie's?" I asked. "Yep I love them. Zayn got me most of these." She said. It's cool how my while family has a british accent. I want one but since I grew up in the U.S I got used to my accent. "It's nice of him to do that." I said. "Yeah.. I miss him alot." She said as she started brushing one of her dolls hair. "He's coming home very soon." I said. "Yeah I know, have you met him?" She asked. "Yes, yes I have. I've met him few times" I said. "That's great!" She yelled. I smiled at her then turned around to see Waliyah coming in. My mom followed her inside. "You girls having a good time?" Mom asked. "Indeed we are." I said to her. She walked up to me and gave another hug. "I'll led you to your room when you girls are done alright?" She said. "Yeah okay, thanks mom." I said as I hugged her tight thwn let go. "Okay well, I'm going to go help Doni make dinner. Have fun." She said as she walked out o the room. Waliyah sat down on Safaa's bed. "So... you're dating Harry?" she asked. "Yep, I am." I said to her. "That's cute. Harry always picks on me when he's here. That's how we usually play around." She said. "Thanks. How do you two pick on eachother?" I asked her, trying to make a conversation. "Well... he says I'm too short for my age. Then I say he dates a lot of old women, to get even." She said. "You're not old, you're perfect for him." She said and smiled at me. "Aww thanks. I was actually thinking I was old." I said. She giggled. "I used to have a crush on him last year." She said. I turned to her. "How old are you again?" I asked her. "I'm 14. Yeah I know, I was too young for him but I got over it." She said. "Oh, alrighty. He really was too old for you." I said. We both started laughing. Safaa got up behind Waliyah and started brushing her hair. "Thanks Safaa." Waliyah said. I smiled at them, those are MY sisters. They're so.. cute. I love their sweetness and relationship they have with everyone. "Wanna see my room?" Waliyah asked me. "Sure." I said. She stood up and exited the door. I followed her to the room next door. I walked in there and saw a lot of photographies on the walls. She had a flat screen TV, a guitar, a basket ball. She also had hanging lights around her room. It was a cute theme. "I like your room." I said as I still looked around. "Thanks. It's not much but it's enough." She said. "You like basket ball?" I asked. "Yup, I love it." She said. "So do I. It's my favorite sport. We she play some time." I said. "Yeah, we should go when Zayn comes back soon." She said. She grabbed the basket ball and shot it at me. I held it and then threw it back to her. "We will." I said. "Um .. Safaa and I decorated your room with the things that dad brought that wete yours... do you maybe wanna go to your room now?" She asked. "Thanks and sure." I said. "Come.." she took me to my new room. She opened the root and saw all of my belongings very well organized. My bed, desk, drowers, my mirror stand. And the best part of it, is that I get to have my own bathroom in this house too. "You two decorated it awesomer than what I used to have it." I said. "Thanks." Wali said. "Girls! Come down for dinner!" We heard mom say from downstairs. "We'll be right down!" Yelled Wali. "Leta go?" She asked me. "Yeah." We walked out of my room and went downstairs. We walked into the dining room. I saw dad and Doni sittinf down and my mom setting up the table. "Let me help." I said as I walked up to her. "No thank you dear. I got this. Sit down." She offered. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Very." She said. I sat down next to Doni. Safaa and Wali were infront of us, dad was on my left, and mom was on Doni's right. "How are you liking the new place?" Dad asked. "It's awesome. I really like it." I said. "That's great." Dad said. "So Sammy. I have a Welcome Home gift for you." Doni said. She took out a navy blue box and handed it to me. "Doni, you really didn't have to." I said. "Please take it. Please." She said. I looked at it and grabbed it. I opened it and saw a silver braclet with navy blue, and diomand letters hanging from it. The letters were S, D, Z, W, and another S. "It's a charm braclet with thw first letter name. Zayn, Doni, Safaa, Waliyah, and Sammy." She said. "Oh my gosh. This is so beautiful." I said. I looked at her and hugged her. "Thank you so much." I said. "You're welcome." She said. "Now. Lets eat" said mom. I put the box next to me on the table.

After dinner. I said thanks to mom and told everyone that I was going to go unpack then go to sleep.

I went upstairs, into my room. I unpacked my clothes, accessories, and gifts that fans have given me at the airport. Jake took a flight home. He didn't live very far. He was from Ireland, just like Niall.

I grabbed my phone and layed on my bed. I had a text from Harry.

H:"Hey lovley:*" he said.

S: "Hey darling;*" I responded.

H: "Are you having a good time at Bradford?"

S: "Yes I am. Finally got to meet my mom and my sisters c:"

H: "That's great! I'm at Paris right now. Can't wait to finish tour in a week to see you."

S: "That's cool ^-^ I can't wait to see you. And remember that you have family to see too, not just me cx"

H: "Yeah I know but, I'm so desperate to see you too c;"

S: "That's good to know. I really miss you."

H: "I really miss you too /.\"

S: "One more week. Remember."

H: "I can't even wait a minute longer."

S: "to do what?"

H: "Hug you, kiss you, touch you, breathe on you, and stuff c;"

S: "Aww cx we're only gonna be 3 months together and you're already planning on doing 'stuff' ?"

H: "3 months thats felt like 30 years;*"

S: "It has hasn't it c: well, call me in the morning. I'm go to bed."

H: "Alright. Goodnight babe. L♥VE Y♥U. Sweet dreams. Be safe :*"

S: "I will ^-^ thanks kitty. Love you too. Muaahhh. Be safe c:"

Harry's the most perfect guy ever. I wonder what goes through his mind when he sees me ot has anything to do with me...

My life js PERFECT. I finally met my mom and siblings, Zayn Malik is my brother which I love cause it means we'll be even closer, I'm in a girl band, we're going off in the media BIG, and finally I'm dating the best guy ever. I don't care what the haters have to say about us anymore. I love Harry Edward Styles from Holmes Chapel, not Harry Styles from One Direction.

Right when I was about to close my eyes, my door opened. I turned to look at who it was. It was my mom. "Hey sweety. Are you doing alright?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm doing great." I said as I sat up. "That's wonderful. So what do you think about your new home? Did you like your sisters?" She asked me. She sat next to me on my bed. "This place is amazing. This is a very neat house. And the girls, I loved them once I layed my eyes on them. I love how sweet they are." I said. She started playing with my hair gentley. "I'm very glad that you're feeling at home." She said and smiled at me. "So tell me about you and Harry. I've known him for 3 whole years but never thought about him dating one of my daughters." She said. "Well... I met him three minths ago when Simon found us. I got to know him better and.. I don't know. Just something about him is so special to me." I said. She looked at me carefully. "Yeah.. I kbkw exactly how you feel. That was me when I met your father." She said. I looked at her with a questioning face. She nodded yes. "Do you think..." I started. "He might be the one, love. I'm not saying it's him for sure, but I have a feeling that it really might be." She said. She.smiled brightly at me. "That's probobly I big maybe." I said. I started bighting my lip. "Yup. Guys are guys... well, I'm go to bed. You go to rest okay?" Mom said as she patted my back. "Alright. Goodnight mom." I said. "Goodnight love. Love you." She said. "Love you too." I finished with a smile the tucked myself in with my blanket...

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