Just How It Is

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Sammy's POV

Rooster likes me... Rooster likes me... I kept repeating that in my head over, and over, and over again. This really can't be happening. He's my friend and only my friend. Why did I have to find out once Harry was gone? Oh yeah, cause he couldn't grt his ass kicked. This is so stressful, I feel like I can't go through our classes because I know that it'll feel really... awkward and silent.

It was better not to know. I'll just ignore it and pretend I never found out.

I walked in to the other bus where the musicians were. "What's up guys?" I came in saying. I pulmped myself onto the couch. "Just chillin out." Said Brent. "Cool" I tried putting aside the Rooster problem. It was insanely hard, speaking if the devil, he came in. I noticed I was the first person he looked at when he came in.

"Hey Rooster. Where were you at?" Andy asked. Rooster looked at me, then down. "I was just... out." He said. Should I be feeling bad? "We were out for dinner." I said. I didn't want him feeling embarrassed or bad about hiding it. "It doesn't look like it was just dinner." Andy said, looking at his phone. He put his phone on my face and saw a page, saying, "Sammy's new romance? Wonder who could it be. How is Harry Styles feeling about this?" They can NOT be serious.

"Ugh!" I screamed. I went on my own twitter and saw that there was tweets, pages, and pictures about Rooster and I at our dinner. People are so ridiculous. "It was just a dinner!" I yelled. At this point, just shoot me already. I looked at Rooster, he looked frustrated.

Wait a sec, Harry. What if Harry sees all of this? Will he believe me when I say it's not true? I grabbed my phone and saw I had 6 messages from Harry. The messages keot coming in. 6, 10, 15, 23. Till I finally got a call. Harry.

"... Hello?"

"Can you please explain the pictures of you and Rooster?"

"Yeah I can actually."

"Then explain!"

"First, you don't have to yell."

"Yes, I do! Sammy how could you do this to me!? To us!?"

"Shut up Harry! Just let me explain!"

"I would have if you didn't start telling me what to do!"

"I didn't. Harry it was just a friendly dinner!"

"That's not what I'm looking at!"

"Are you gonna believe the media or me!?"

"I don't know. Maybe I should believe the media."

"Why would you?"

"Because they give me real evidence."

"I wish you knew how much you meant to me."

"It appears your little friend means more to you, than me."

"Harry, he's just a friend."

"Then make him your boyfriend. Be happy will you?"

"I AM happy! With you!"

"Bullshit! I should've known you'd do this to me!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"These past 6 months together were a waste of time."

And with that... I broke down crying. I can't believe he said that. After 6 happy months together. He lied.

"Fuck you Harry! I never want to see or talk to you again!"

I yelled then hung up. I cried and cried. I felt a hand on my back and someone hugging me. I looked up to see Andy hugging me. "It's okay Sam. It's gonna be okay." He tried comforting me... it didn't work, I sobbed even more. I can't believe this is happening to me. Over something so simple.

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