Stuck With 1D ..

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Harry's POV

Oh my gawd. Just by ONE look at Sammy, she's perfect. When I heard her sing, even better. She has the voice of a goddess. I want her.

When Niall asked her if she was Nathan's Sammy.... I just felt like dust. Why him? He's an ass. She deserves someone better. I want her so bad.

We were heading out the door till we saw hundreds of our fans outside. It was full of police officers too. One of them gave out directions and said " These fans are too crazy, you people are going to have to stay in here till tomorrow." We're staying here over night !? Wait.. that means I'ma be with Sammy. Okay no problem. I want to get to know her better.

I'll try talking to her. I saw her reaction to what the police said. She didn't seem too happy with the idea. She didn't have a choice anyway. I'll just talk to her when she calms down.

Sammy's POV

So I guess we're staying the night in the studio. I hope I find somewhere comfortable to sleep.

I guess we're not going to school tomorrow either. We went to the waiting room and sat down.

Niall and Zayn were playing... patty cake. Louis was touching Liam's hair while Liam was taking a nap. Harry was laying down on one couch looking into his phone. Lauren and Ally are looking for something to eat. Dinah and Camila were talking about how amazing it was to be in Syco. And I? I was into texting Nathan. Nathan and I would always be talking about who is a better superhero, Batman or Superman. That was our topic right now. "Can I call you?" Nathan sent. "Sure" I replied. "Hey guys Nathan is gonna call me, can you turn the volume down a little bit? Please" everyone stared at me then made lots of noise on purpose to of course annoy and mess with me. When my phone rang, they all shut up. "Hello?" I said into my phone.

"Hey Shamy" Nathan said in a little kids voice

"Hey Naty"

"Teehee, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I got stuck in Syco Studios with the girls and One Direction"

"One Direction? Why are they there? Babe they're nothing but trouble"

"No they're not, just don't worry. I'm not gonna argue with you"

"Okay I'm sorry. I gotta go. Love you."

"Nath-" he hung up on me. I hate when he does that. I wish he was the same Nathan he used to be.

I starting to think that I should finish him. "You do know he's cheating right?" Harry said, he sat next to me. "I heard rumors but I don't know what to say" I said quietly. "Look, first, try talking to him about it. IF he is cheating on you, are you just gonna be there while he's swallowing another girl? No. Right?" Harry said. "Of course I wouldn't just stay there while I'm getting played but-" he cut me off.

"But you don't deserve to have a horrible relationship. You deserve someone that won't hang up on you, won't cheat, won't play you, won't lie to you either" he's making me feel a lot better. "Thanks Harry. That means a lot. So.. should I just break up with him? Even if he is cheating or not, I don't feel comfortable with him anymore anyway. Although he is my first love"  "You know the answer to that." He said. He made me realize so many things. I don't want to do this through text but... I have to since he'll just hang up on my anyway. I don't think I want to see him in person either, I know It'll be harder for him so.. no.

"Hey Nathan... I really hate the way things changed between us and, I think we should just finish our relationship. I still love you but I just don't feel comfortable anymore. Thank for everything. Bye"

"Well.. I'm single" I said. Everyone turned to look at me and at the same time everyone yelles "What!?" I looked at them and said "I broke up with Nathan."  "Why?" Asked Camila.

"Can we please not talk about it right now? Please"  I said, I wasn't really hurt... just disappointed. I want to have fun and not care. I'm moving on. "Thanks Harry" I gave him a smile. "For what?" He asked. "For the advice. I feel... more confident now." I giggled. "Oh, you're very welcome darling" he winked at me. I felt myself blush. I tried looking away from Harry so he wouldn't look at me blush. Too late. "Hahaha Sammy" he turned my face to look up with his index finger. "Yeah..."  "Don't blush."  "How could I not when you're telling me not to?" I said trying not to get too embarressed. "So... let's play 21 questions?" He asked, all excited. "Okay. You go first." I said to him. "Okay. Favorite color?"


"Me too!" He yelled

"Shhh. Everyone else is sleeping" I pointed at the rest of the girls and boys.

"Okay... First love?" I was eager to ask. "I don't have one yet"  "Ohh." Was all I could say.

"Yeah. My turn" He said all happy. "Okay. What do you look for in a guy" I felt.. awkward but, then remembered I was single.

"What I look for in a guy.. he has to be really nice, caring, sweet, and romantic. He doesn't have to be good looking. He likes to see me and talk to me." I answered quietly. " That sounds a lot like someone I know" he pointed at himself.

I can't believe he just did that. What a cutie! Calm down Sammy... you just came out of a relationship. "Okay. My turn. Um.. favorite animal?" I asked. He thought about it for a while. "Cats" he answered. "Awwww" I giggled. "Okay. My turno. Yes turno. Are you a good kisser?" He asked me, concentrating on my face.

"Umm.. I don't really know, I've never made out with myself." I said while Harry just laughed. "Well... can I find out?" Harry said. My heart raced.. FAST! what should I do? Oh god.

Before I spoke. He pulled my wrist and ran down the hall, passing by Simon's office, into some other recording room where there was a couch.

We sat down and he said "I came in here so we could be a little more private and so we wouldn't wake up the 'people'" He made up an exuse I know it. "Haha alrighty" I said. "So shall we find out if you're a good kisser?" I didn't know what to say.

I just got out of a relationship but, ugh... Harry is just so... I don't know, Should I even be falling for him? Am I really moving on this fast? I've never felt this way. Not even for ... Nathan the first time he tried flirting.

"Umm... Har-" oh my goodness. Before I answered... Harry just kissed me, Harry STYLES IS KISSING ME. I was going to push him off till... I felt the texture of his lips.

They're so.. soft and sweet. I fell in love with his lips. Well that sounded silly.

I didn't want to stop kissing him. I let him. I forgot the world. I couldn't remember anything.

Harry pushed me gently back on the couch, I was now on my back. We kissed till he was starting to deepen the kiss, he licked my lips for permission for entrance.... I let him. I put my hands on his hair.

My hands got tangled into his hair. As he put his hand on my back. The other hand was going up the arm. I was out of breath. I seperated from his. He then murmured "don't let go." He kissed my neck many times. He finally... kissed and found my weak spot. I moaned. I didn't mean to! I clearly seperated our connection. "That... was amazing." He said. "It was... but don't you think its weird that we've only known eachother for 10 hours and we're doing... this." I asked awkwardly "Honestly, I don't think it's weird at all. Maybe it's ... a sign?" He said but his voice was fading away. "A sign?" I asked. "Nevermind..." umm okay?

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