Half A Heart Without You

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*Next Day*

Sammy's POV

My alarm woke me up at 8 a.m. I'm so lazy to do EVERYTHING. Shower, brush my teeth, breakfast, makeup, change into good clothes. I awoke Camila, she was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone and went to the chorus of 'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus. I put my phone against Camila's ear and prest play. "I came in like a Wrecking Ball!" The sing played. Once Camila heard it, she screamed and got up quickly. "What the hell Sammy!?" She yelled at me. I was just laughing... hard. "I'm sorry, you have to wake up." I said. "Oh maybe a 'wake up Camila' could of worked, you scared the hell out of me." Camila said. "Hahaha I said I was sorry, now can you get ready ?" I asked. "Ughhhh" Camilla said as she punched herself with her pillow.

*2 hours later*

It was 10 a.m. out flight is in an hour. The girls and I were packed up and ready to leave. We still have half an hour before we leave.to the airport so we just went and chilled with Perrie, Eleanor, and the guys for a while.

We were all at the loby. We went to the little living room and hung out there. We saw a few fans outside the glass door. We said hi to them and sat down on some couches inside. Harry and I were hand in hand, same with Louis and El, Zayn and Perrie as well.

"We're gonna miss you girls a whole pant load." Said Liam. "We're going to miss you a lot too." Said Ally. Harry kissed my cheek. "So .. do you guys wanna hear a joke?" Said Harry. "Mate... no... your jokes... suck" Niall said. I laughed. Harry turned and looked at me, I bit my lips, pretending I wasn't laughing. "No they don't pfft.." Harry said. "ShutupNiall" Harry said quickly to Niall. I wonder how bad his jokes are.

I turned to look at Zayn and Perrie. They were... making out, right infront of us. "Get a room!" Yelled Louis. "Leave us alone!" Said Zayn. They were just playin around. "Yeah Lou, what if Sammy and I made out right here, right now?" Harry said. I blushed. "That.. I would LOVE to see." Said Louis with a innocent little face. "I've never seen you too makeout, that's why I'd like to see." Louis finished. "Wanna see?" Said Harry. I gave him a look saying 'are you crazy'. "Y-E-S" Louis said. "Oh god, stop it you two. What if Sammy doesn't want to." Said Eleanor. She saved me. "Sorry babe. I just thought it would be funny." Said Louis to El. "Sorry" Harry apoligized to me. He put his head on my shoulder. "I'm forever alone." Said Camilla. Everybody started laughing, in a good way. Camilla is usually the funny one so.. yeah.

"It's 10:30, we should get going." Said Lauren. I got an ache in my chest when she said that. Our bags were carried by the security guard onto the car.

We said bye to Perrie and El, we said we'd text eachother. We then went to the guys. Niall cried cause we were already leaving so soon. "You better text me" Niall said as he hugged me. "I will" I said. I then hugged Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Harry's going with us so I'll say bye at th airport.

"Bye guys" we said. They waved goodbye to us. We exited the hotel and into the car. Harry sat next to me of course. I saw he was tearing up. I put my hand on his knee. He looked at me and gave me a fake smile. "It's going to be okay. Remember?" He nodded. I grabbed his gamd and put my head on his shoulder. He put his head ontop of mine. The comfort of his embrace made me want to cry cause I knew I wouldn't have him in my arms for a long time.

We arrived at the airport

I felt Harry starting to breathe hard. I looked up at him, he was crying. His nose was red and his eyes were starting to turn red as well. Just looking at him this way, made me feel even worse. "Please... don't cry.." I said. I hugged him. He held me tight. "Harry!" We heard simeone behind us yell out. It was Niall. "What are you doing here?" Asked Harry. "I came for you, I don't know how bad you might react." Niall said. Harry took my hand and led us inside. Papparazzi were starting to build up around the place. Some of the security guards that worked here weren't letting them in. We went inside and waited for our flight to be called. "Do you think it's stupid of me to act like this ?" Harry asked me. "What? No. Why?" I asked. Why would he ask that? "Because... we've only known eachother for like.. a month and-" I cut him off, "It's not stupid. It proves that you see me as a different person. It means that it might be true love. The quicker things are, the better you should think about it" I said. I daid true love because honestly... if two people fall in love so quick, it usually means it's true love. What else could it be? "That's true. Are we in love, Sammy" he asked me. "Beginning to build love." I said. "I've really NEVER felt this way towards a person Sammy. Not this fast, not this special. You mean a lot to me." Harry said. "I think the exactly the same thing towards you Harry." I said.

"Flight 12 to Miami, Florida takes off in 5 minutes."

We stood up, the girls said bye to Harry and walked towards the aisle. Camilla waited for me. "Call.me right when you get there okay?" Harry said. Harry hugged me super tight. He was crying while he did. I hugged him back. I cried softly into his shirt. He kissed my lips. "Here, keep my beanie" Harry handrd.me his grey beanie. "Thanks." I smules and hugged him. "Don't let me go" He said. "Miami Florida flight take off in 2 minutes." I let go of Harry. "I'm sorry.." I said. I kissed him one last time. "Sammy.." he said. "Sammy hurry!" Camilla yelled. "Bye Harry." I said. I had to run. What was he going to say? Camila and I ran to the plane before we missed it. "Text me!" I yelled to Harry as we ran.

We reached up to the plane. Camila and I sat in our seats. "I didn't let Harry finish what he was going to say." I said to Camila. "Can't he just tell you through a text?" Camila asked. "Yeah.." I said. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Harry..

"I'll finish telling you when I see you in person soon. Bye babe Xx take a nap, I know you're exhausted. Text me after the flight.♥"

I'll answer him after the flight. Harry's so perfect. I want to say those 3 little words, but I don't know if it's too early. I remembered that I had his beanie. I held it tight in my hand. I put it against my lips and kissed it. It smelled like his cologne. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it away and just took a nap.

Harry's POV

Niall and I went back to the hotel. The guys, Perrie, Eleanor, and I went for lunch. I tried not thinking about missing Sammy too much, because I don't want to be feeling like crap the whole time. I do miss her a lot, but I need to be in a good mood for 'The Media' the papz get in my neves so bad. Then they say that I'm not happy with my girlfriend if I don't have a smile on my face so... smile Harry.

I can't wait to finish tour. I'll go back home, see my family, and I'm going to invite Sammy to stay here for a vacation. I already know everything she'll be doing. They're going to record there music and interviews for atleast a month, and for the other 2 months all they're doing is writting songs, photoshoots etc. And there it leave me off tour, she's off too. Both 5H & 1D have a 4 month vacation which is pretty cool. After those 4 months, I go on the Midnight Memories Tour and Fifth Harmony go on tour too with there soon coming out songs.

Can't wait

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