Heartbreak Part 2

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Sammy's POV

I finally went down to the loby. I couldn't believe what just happened. I knew that he did something with her, her hair and makeup was messed up. Of course they did something. I felt so... heartbroken. I've never been through something this horrible. Not even with Nathan. I stepped out of the elevator and saw Zayn and the girls were still there. "What happened?" Zayn asked. They saw that I was crying. All was the first one to come to me and hug me. All 6 of them hugged me. Zayn was right infront of me, he wiped away my tears. "Harry..." I said.

Zayn nodded and hugged me. "Please listen to me next time." He said. "Lets take a drive." Zayn said. All I wanted to do is get away from this place at the moment. We  went outside and got into the car Zayn had. I took shotgun. The girls squeazed in the back seats. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We're gonna like up your mood." He said. Really Zayn? I'm terribly hurt right now and he wants to go mess around. "Zayn... I just want to go to sleep." I said. "Sammy, I'm not gonna let you be upset over something ridiculous like this. Atleast we can TRY to have fun." He said, I look at Zayn as a brother. He's awesome and I love that he's here for me too. "Thabks Zayn." I thanked him. "Can someone please explain to us what's going on .. ?" Asked Dinah. I put on my earphones so I wouldn't have to here what Zayn has to tell them. I was listening to Little Things by One Direction. It hurt to listen to Harry's voice, but... it's too hard to keep away. I honestly don't know what I'm doing anymore. We arrived at the mall. I took off my ear phones. "We're here." Said Zayn, he gave me a smile. I tried smiling back, but some how I just felt that I gave him a smirk. We got off the car and the girls gave me a hug. As we were walking inside, there was already a few fans beginning to come towards us as they noticed Zayn.. and us I guess. Some yelled out names, some yelled out for Zayn. We went to Forever21 first. Camila was looking for a dress, Lauren for shoes, Ally and Dinah for accesories. And me? I was just beside Zayn, I didn't feel like doing anything. It really did feel like months with Harry. Stop thinking about him Sammy. He doesn't want you anymore, he wants... Taylor. "Aren't you getting anything?" Ally asked me. "No. I already have enough things." Ally shrugged. "Please lighten up Sammy. I don't want to see you like this." I looled her but then just looled down. She walked away. She gave up. I felt like I was dissapointing everyone too. I tirned around to see ... sooo many girls outside the door. A few guys too. Some of thd ladies that worked her were trying to close the door and tried to get everyone else out of the store, except us. One of the ladies walked up to us and said. "Hello, sorry for this mess, we'll try to get these people leave as soon as possible okay? Have fun while we help." The lady said. Another mob? "Thanks miss." Said Zayn. "Now you girls can take all the time you need." Zayn said. I sat down on a small couch they had a a waiting center. I felt a little better actually, as I tried to forget about the problem, it worked. "Zayn!" I yelled out for him. "What happened!?" He came, he had a worried face. "I want pudding" Zayn smiled at me, he saw I was being myself again. "Haha. We'll get you some pudding when we leave."  "Yay!" I said.

*1 hour later*

We finally got out of the mall. We were on our way to the hotel. I kinda didn't want to. We arrived. We went inside and up to our floor. "Goodnight Sammy. Goodnight girls. See you in the morning" Zayn said as he went to his room. "G'night Zayn." We said. It's been such a long day. I'm going to sleep.

Zayn's POV

I said goodnight to the girls and went inside my room. Sammy was really upset today, I felt horrible for her. I would still want her to date Harry, but he does screw up sometimes and I need to teach him what to do and what not to do. He needs a good lesson. I'm glad that Sammy was atleast feeling a little better at the mall, I knew because of that twinkle in her eyes when she asked for pudding. I'm going to try to fix things for her and Harry. Speaking of Harry, where is he? We room together and he wasn't inside. I went to Liam's room to see if he was there. I knocked on the door and Niall opened up. He opened the door wide. I stepped inside and saw that Harry was curled up into a ball on the bed, covering his head with his hands and arms. Poor guy, but why did he do this then? Niall shut the door behind me. Louis and Liam were just standing up, they looked pretty stressed. "Mate, what's wrong?" I asked Harry. "I lost her Zayn! I lost her!" Harry yelled at me. I can't believe this. "Why are you yelling like it's our fault!? You're the one who screwed everything up for YOU AND HER! She's in horrible pain too!" Harry stood up and I saw that his eyes were super red and his face was covered in his tears. "How could you be like this anyway!? You've bearly known eachother for only 2 weeks and a half!" I yelled. "You don't unerstand Zayn! We've.been through so much in such little time! It's felt like months! She's one of the best people I've ever had in my life! She's different! I ruined everything just for being the person that the media sees 'the manwhore' It's hard Zayn it really is." I was going to say something after him, but I took it back. I can't believe he feels like this towards her. It's amazing how he feels for her. I know exactly how he feels. I have Perrie, she's the best person I've met too, Since I saw her, I knew she was the one. Now Harry is saying this about Sammy. "You're in love..." was what I had to say to Harry. "I am." Harry said. "Please lads... please help me get her back. It'll mean the world to me." The boys and I gave eachother a look. "We're here for you Harry." Harry tried smiling. "Thanks guys. Thank you" Harry said.

Harry's POV

I felt like dust. I made a big mistake. I promise to everyone I know that I will never, ever do something as stupid like that again. I asked the lads for help to get Sammy back. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I had the most perfect idea.. I know exactly how to get her back...

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