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Harry's POV

We arrived at the house I rented, it was nice, alone, fresh, and big. The town was only 3 minutes away.

"Do you wanna go walk around town?" She nodded a sure. "Let me just get my gatorade. Do you want anything to drink?" She asked. "Nah thank you."

We put on our sun glasses on and hoped that no people realized who we were.

We passed by a gardening shop with lots of different kinds of flower outside. I bought a blue rose for Sam, since it's her favorite flower and color of all time.

"Babe." She turned around and smiled once I gave it to her.

"I love you." She kissed me on the cheek. We continued walking. We saw a groups of girls with stand by them. There was 4 stands. I couldn't see what it said so we gor a little closer.

Holy moly. I think they're competing for best fandom. One stand was Directioners, another was Harmonizers, the other was Beliebers, and then there was the Wanted Fanmily.

I didn't know if they'd notice us if there was mine and Sammy's fandom here.

"Lets check out what they're doing." Sammy suggested. "Are you sure?" I asked. She pulled me over to the first stand. Fifth Harmony, Harmonizers. "Hey girls, so, what are these stands for?" She asked.

"Well, we have to prove who is the best fandom by people voting. We all have clipboards and when people come around, they choose who is the best by voting and signing. At the end of the week, we count up the votes and see who wins. Would you like to vote for Fifth Harmony?" The girl asked. Do they all know how to speak english? They still have an accent though.

"Sure." Sammy signed the paper. I laughed cause of course she was going to vote for her own band. "Thanks you Sammy." Just when we were about to walk away the girl said Sammy's name. We stopped and turnwd around.

"How do you know who I am?" She asked. "Cause I'm a big fan. I think I'd know who my idol looks like." She took it so well. Sammy and I gave eachother a look. "Don't worry, I won't say anything or yell out anything." The girl said.

Wow, she's being a breat pal about it. Sammy smiled and took the pen again. She autographed a piece of paper and gave it to her.

The girl tried not to squeal. "Thank you. I love you so much." She said.

We ended up not going to the rest of the stands cause we didn't know if a fan would notice us and shout out.

"Your fans are so awesome and sweet." I said. "Well, they learn it from us."

"Oh my gosh! Lets get ice cream." She said and ran to an ice cream shop. "Careful babe."

We bought ourselves ice cream and later that day, we went to dinner.

"This place is really fancy. You already had reservations?" She asked. "Yup."

We sat at our table and gave the waiter our orders.

"Now really. What are we going to name out baby." I brought up the topic. "I don't know. But I like Analy and Marilyn." She said. Those were really good names. "For the boy, I like William and Collin."

"I like Collin." She said. "I like Marilyn." I said. Like Marilyn Monroe.

The waiter brought over our meals and we ate.

After a night of talking about the baby and good day walking around Paris, it was 8 at night and we were on our way back to our rented house.

"Ow." Sammy started feeling bad. "What's wrong? " She put her hand over her head and the other hand ober her stomach.

"I feel like throwing up." She looked at me tiredly. "Do you want me to pull over?" She nodded no. "No, I can wait." I went a little faster, hoping it's not too late.

We arrived 5 minutes later. She couldn't even walk. I carried her inside quickly and took her to the bathroom. I waited in there with her and helped put her hair back. "It's probably just normal for a pregnant chick." She said.

A few minutes later she threw up.

I rubbed her back softly. I hope she's not sick or anything. "Babe, can you go get me my pajamas? They're in the polkadot bag." I went for the clothes fast and came back. "Thank you."  "Do you need anything else? Water? Anything?" She nodded no.

"I'm just really tired." She said. I carried her into our room and tucked her in bed. She fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I feel so bad. If this keeps up, I'm taking her to the hospital.

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