It's How L♥VE Works

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Today Harry and I were going to an interview named "Coupled n Crushes" It's where celebraties go with their crushes, boyfriend, or girlfriends. I find it ridiculous that we have to go, but managment made us go. The only difference in the show today is that they're using 3 couples. Me and Harry, Liam and Sophia, Louis and Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie. And then the only crushes that they made go is Niall and Camila. They've been crushing for a while.

"Ready to go?" I asked Harry. "Yeah."  He answered. We only get rides from other drivers when we go to events like these. Each coupled went in a different car.

Once we got there. There was a lot of fans and paparazzi's.  I got used to them but it can be kind of weird for me sometimes. "Stay close please." Harry said. We crossed arms and entered the buliding. I signed some autographs before I went in. I feel bad for the fans that cry for us.

We went inside and got greeted by some people that work here. We went to the studio where we were going to be filmed. "You two can sit there." The instructor said. He sat each coupled in a different booth next to one another. "Niall." Harry called him, he was sitting on the booth next to us with Camila. Niall turned and Harry wiggled his eyebrows at him. Meaning because he's with Camila.

"And we start in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The camera started rolling. "And we are live with Jessy Cosgrove at the Couples n Crushes show. Today we have the boys of One Direction with their girlfriends. May we represent them?" Jessy turned to us and named each of us.

First they started with Zerrie, then Sophiam, to Ellounor, from Sarry, then finally to Niala. They congratulated Zerrie for their engagement and made things awkward between everyone else.

At this point we were where, they wanted to hook up Camila and Niall together. "So Niall, we hear that you've been crushing on Camila Cabello for a while. Is it true." Jessy asked Niall. "Yes, it's true." Niall answered. "Would you like to tell Camila something?" These people are getting annoying. "Yeah." Niall turned to Camila. "Honestly, I've liked you for a while already and I've been wanting to ask you out but I would get embarrassed to ask.  Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He finally said. We all focused on Camila's face. "Yes." She said with a big smile then hugged Niall.

How cute! Finally they're together. "Kiss!" Louis teased. Everyone said the same except me. Before anyone knew it, Niall and Camila kissed. My mouth feel open. I never thought I would see this. "Cuties!" I just had to scream out.

After all the action with Niala, they began asking all of us questions. "Now the next question comes from Kimmi Johnston.  And she wants to know if any of you are planning on having kids." Jessy said. I hate these types of questions. "Zayn?" He asked Zayn. "Maybe in another year. How cute. I'ma be an Aunt next year. Can't wait.

"Hoe about you, Harry?" Jessy then asked Harry. "I definitely want kids. Although I've never really talked about it yet with Sammy yet." Harry said. I began to blush. "What makes you so sure that you'll have your kids with Sammy?" Jessy asked. That's a good question. "Because I know that I don't ever want to leave her." Harry said. Everyone bagan to 'aww'. I feel so loved. "Would you like to have kids with Harry,  Sammy?" Jessy asked me. "Maybe. More towards a yes." I said. Harry turned to me and smiled. I love those sweet dimples of his. He kissed my cheek and held my hand.

After about an hour, the show was over, gladly. Before we all left, we decided to have a signing outside. The guards somehow got a stage and a few fences to make a line. One Direction was on one table and Fifth Harmony was on another table next to them. A lot of fans started passed by getting each and everyone of our autographs. It felt cool doing this. Most fans cried as they saw us. For the onse that cried, I got up and hugged them and took a picture.

We spent atleast an hour or two here at the signing and I was getting tired. I was really down for a nap. Till a siren went off saying that we had to leave. It had fun here but now off to bed.

We all took seperate cars. Harry and I left in his Mustang. "Did you have fun?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "You're tired, aren't you?" He asked. "Yeah. A little bit." I said. I sounded lazy. "How does a movie, tea, and a nap with our pajamas sound?" He offered. He's so amazing. "That sounds really good" I said. "Haha, I knew it would. I love you." He said. I love when he says I love you, unexpectedly.  "I love you too." I said.

We arrived to our house and in comfortable clothes as he said we were. We put on the movie "The Vow" and drank a cup of tea. "Babe, remember when Jessy ask us about kids?" Harry asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Would you consider having kids with me?" Harry asked. Did he really just... "I don't know." I said. I don't know how to answer this. "What do you mean 'I don't know.' You wouldn't like it would you?" He started getting a little serious. "I'm not saying that I wouldn't like having kids with you-" he cut me off. "I thought you loved me enough to say yes to my question. I love you enough to have kids with you." He started.  He's getting really mad.

"Harry I'm only saying that it's too early to be thinking about this." I said. C'mon, it's almost 5 months together and he's already thinking of kids? "Pfft. Of course you'd say that." Harry said. He's getting really ridiculous and taking something the wrong way. "Harry just stop. I'm just not ready okay?" I tried explaining to him, but no, he gets butt hurt about something he thinks is right. "Yeah, and it was too early to even date you." He said. That literaly just tore me apart. What is he meaning by that? "So we should have never dated in the first place." I asked. He just looked at me and looked away.

I stood up from the couch and ran upstairs. I can't believe he said that. He 'loved me' alright. He made it sound so much like if he regreted dating me. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. "Sammy, babe, I'm sorry. Please come back." He said. Pfft, it's gonna take a lot more than that. "Go away Harry, I dont want to see you." I said. I started to cry. I hate arguing about things like this. Harry always takes things the wrong way then I get the blame for it. "Please. Come, I'm sorry." He said again. It sounded like her began to cry aswell, cause his voice cracked.

"You and I, we don't want to be like them...we can make it till the end. Nothing could come between you and I, not even the gods above, could seperate the two of us. Nothing could come betwenn you and I. Oh, you and I" Harry began to sing. The sound of his voice made m cry even more. The fact of us fighting makes me hate thinking about all of the things I like about him. Why? Because I'm not with him, he's 'mad at me' or I'm mad at him.

I'm srill really tired.  The gears and the day got me to be very sleepy. I opened the door to see Harry standing there. I walked right by him to go to our room. He tried pulling me back by my arms. "Let me go!" I yelled at him. "No! Not till you let me talk to you!" He said back. He grabbed me closer to the point where he wasn't just pulling me, his arms were around me, almoat like a hug but I hesitated.

I tried harder to escape from his arms.  "Babe, please stop. " he said. He was too strong for me to try to push him away. He put me againat the wall and held me so I wouldn't have an exit from his site. We looked in eachothers eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for taking it out on you, I'm sorry that I'm a horrible person, I'm sorry that I ever fell in love with you, I'm sorry that I'm a horrible person.I'm sorry for being an awful boyfriend. I want you to know that you're the best thing that's every happend to meant I don't want to let you go, not ever, not never. I love you and only you. Please don't let stupid little things like get to us. Especially my stupid side. I'm sorry for talking to you like that." Harry said. That was beautiful. No guy has every talked to me like this before.

I felt like crying cause I saw Harry crying as he gave me that speech. It breaks my heart to see him cry. "I love you Harry. With everything I have. And about the kids thing... I DO want to have kids with you, I hope we will but just not now." I said. "I understand." Harry said. Thank god he understood.

I pulled himnto our bedroom and FINALLY decided to give him something that he's wanted for a long time. "Harry." I called for him. He looked at me carefully. "I'm ready." I said. As long as there's protection, I'm all good. He smiled at me and leaned in. We started with kissing then touching...


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