its not what it seems

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“Fuck….” I said to myself as I heard my alarm go off. It was 6:15 a.m. and I was not in the mood to be messed with. Today was the start of the new school year and the only thing I looked forward to were the easy classes I had. All throughout summer I had been anticipating the new school year. I was ready to meet new friends. I had been screwed over enough, especially from one asshole. I never really had luck with keeping close friends. I have my one and only true best friend, Katelyn. She had been there for me through the thick and thin. Anyways, it was about time for me to hopefully meet some new boys and make some new friends. As I rolled out of bed, I plugged my radio in to listen to music. I was hoping maybe some Chris Brown or someone was on. “Shocking” I said to myself sarcastically as One Direction’s, What Makes You Beautiful was on. All the girls in my town were fangirling 24/7 and all they ever talked about was how they wanted Harry Styles in their pants and for Niall to take them on a dinner date, like that would ever happen…. I had never really cared for them, especially Niall. 

Over the past two summers I had visited my family over in Ireland. I loved visiting there because I could get away from everything back home and just relax and catch up with my family. When I was in Ireland, since I was old enough to drink, my sister and I would head out to bars to try and mingle. It just so happens that I met a boy named Niall one night. This was the year before they had even formed One Direction. I’ll never forget when I first saw those beautiful, blue eyes. I can still remember as I sat at the bar when he came up to me. 

“Hello, pretty lady, I’m Niall can I buy ya a drink?” I couldn’t help but to laugh at his drunk ass attempting to hit on me. Of course my heart melted when I looked into that adorable face and couldn’t resist but to say yes.

“Why not? The names Rebecca. You from around here?” my sister gave me a dirty look and wondered as to why I was talking to some drunk teen. But you know what it was summer and I was just in the mood to let loose and have fun. 

As the night went on I found out Niall wasn’t drunk, he was awkward and had no idea on how the hell to flirt. But that was fine by me cause I was just as awkward.

I can see where you think this is going, no we didn’t fall in love and have some summer romance. We became best friends. That night we were at the bar till 4:00 a.m. All we did was talk about our lives and the mistakes we’ve made and how we wanted to make our futures better. It was like we had known each other for our entire lives. We even found out that our dads worked for the same company and knew each other for years. I was so happy to have finally met a guy that wanted to listen to me and give me advice. He was guy that didn’t try to hit on me or any of that. It was great. 

For the next month, Niall and I saw each other every day. Niall and I shared such a tight bond as if we were brother and sister. I extended my trip from one month to the entire summer. As the summer came to a close Niall and I promised to keep in contact and he was going to visit over the holidays. I wanted to make sure I didn’t lose him. I was too lucky to have even met him. 

So you now get the gist of it all. We met had a wonderful summer and I found out that he’d be trying out for the X factor that year. After the summer we’d skype and he’d practice playing the guitar and singing for his tryout. I wanted to be there so badly to see him tryout. I knew he was going to make it. He had a talent like no other. 

As we all know, he didn’t make the cut for the solo boys. But he was lucky enough that Simon had picked him and four other boys: Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam to form a group all together. I was ecstatic and so was he. Their journey began from there. We had been talking throughout the course of his season on X Factor and he when he came to visit over Christmas I was so excited. Finally summer rolled around and it was time for me to go back to Ireland. When I arrived at the airport, I was taken by surprise to see that Niall had another girl with him. I knew it wasn’t a sister because he only had an older brother Greg. Niall had neglected to tell me he met a girl on the show and he asked her out. Okay, you probably predicted I got feelings for him which I did which I was planning on tell him.

Her name was Stephanie. She was really sweet until I was left alone with her when Niall went to the bathroom. 

“I don’t know you, nor do I plan to get to know you. You will I repeat you will back the fuck away from Niall this entire summer and for the rest of your life. If you think to even text or contact him, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

I was taken back and didn’t know what to say. After I was dropped off at home I called Niall to tell him the truth. He hadn’t answered me for weeks. I thought alright maybe he’s busy with the boys recording in the studio.

He finally called me and proceeded to tell me, “Look we had a nice run but I really wanna spend my time with Stephanie. I just don’t see us being friends any longer. I mean I’m going on tour and you’re going to college next fall.”

My reply was a simple, “why am I not surprised. Go fuck yourself.” I knew that the fame would start getting to him and thinking he was better. I was ready to give up on boys. I promised myself that I wouldn’t look at him the same way ever again.

Now that you know why I was annoyed when that stupid song came on it only gets worse from here. I applied my concealer to hide the bags from underneath my eyes, put my mascara and eye liner on and straightened my hair. I then put on my skin tight, cotton black shirt, pink flip flops, and a white top on and walked out the door for school only dreading to see if there were any new students.

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