chapter 2

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“Rebecca you have to listen to me. Management didn’t send me here. I sent myself. I’ve been thinking so much lately. I miss you. I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you in any way. I just want you back in my life. Do you know how hard it is not being able to come to you anymore with help or not having you to listen to my problems? I just want you back in my life. I understand sorry won’t cut it. That’s why I’m glad I was assigned as your husband. I will be your freaking slave of a husband if that’s what it takes to let me back in your life. Can you just give me a chance? Stephanie’s gone and out of the picture. I found her making out with Liam. Of course she came on to him but I knew I should’ve listened to him when he said she was no good.”

My jaw was about to drop. I didn’t know what to say and I was afraid if I said anything I’d just sound stupid. He told me he wants to be my friend. Is it worth telling him I love him or should I wait?

“Look Niall, you hurt me. You really hurt me. I cried myself to sleep for weeks waiting for you to call me and tell me it was all a mistake but I never got that phone call until a week ago before you came here. I don’t even know what to do with myself. The only reason I let you in was because I miss you so much.”

“Just don’t say anymore. Let me do the rest. I want to bring my words to life. I will prove to you I can be a good husband and by that I mean friend. Please will you just let me take you to dinner tonight?”

My heart sank. I wanted to go to dinner so badly. I figured I’d just say yes.

“Well I guess I can after I finish my homework.”

“Good now I’ll be back at 7:00 to pick you up. We have some catching up to do.”

I panicked and ran upstairs and got in the shower. I, of course, wanted to look perfect for this date. I wanted to show the boy what he has been missing out on. I blasted Chris Brown while I was in the shower. As I finished up in the shower I blew dried my hair and put on my cheetah skirt with a black tshirt and cardigan. I then put on my black high heels. I applied my eyeliner and mascara and straightened my hair. Before I knew it, it was seven.

The door-bell rang and I sprinted downstairs. I actually waddled like a penguin cause there’s no way I could even jog in heels. I wanted this dinner to go smoothly.

As I walked down to his car he tried to put his arm around my waist but I wouldn’t allow it. I didn’t want him to think I’d forgive him that easily. We drove far away. It must have been at least a two hour drive. All the sudden I see us pulling up to the beach. He knows I’m a sucker for the beach. He knows my weaknesses. I looked out toward the beach and I see a trail of rose pedals leading up to the ocean. Niall looked me straight in the eyes and grabbed my hand and held it tight. This just wasn’t happening. He was being way to cliché and corny. 

“I figured we could just go for a walk on the beach and just talk.”

I agreed. We must have walked for a couple hours going on and on about how him and the boys were doing. I had talked to Liam a few times of the course of the two years. He always told me how much Niall appreciated me and I was very grateful for that. 

Eventually we went onto the subject of what went wrong and I thought it was time for me to tell him the truth about how I felt. I was thinking the entire car ride how I’d do it. 

“Niall there’s something I have to tell you. And I don’t know how you’re gonna react so bare with me.”

“Alright what is it? You know you can tell me anything.”

“The truth is, I miss you okay.”

“Really? Is that it? Is there anything else?”

“Nope. That’s all for now.” I had completely choked. I couldn’t do it! I didn’t want to be humiliated if he didn’t like me. But the fact that he was urging on for more to be said made me wonder. 

“Can we go home now?” I just wanted to go home. I was moving way too fast with him and it was time for me to slow things down. I was going to make him pay for the pain he put me through and I had the best plan to make him do so.

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