Chapter 40

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That was it. When the boys were done dinner I was making it appoint to talk with Zayn whether he liked it or not.

I walked into the kitchen to see the boys happily stuffing their faces.

"Hey Bec!" They all said in unison.

"Haha. Hey guys! What's going on?"

"Nothing much. Thanks for dinner. I really appreciate it babe." Niall came up and kissed me on the cheek.

"No problem. Next time wipe your mouth first haha." Niall blushed and giggled to himself as did the other boys.

"How as the mall? What's the damage?" Louis asked me. He always made sure I dressed in style and didn't make a fool of myself.

"Oh psh not bad at all. Only $300."

"Bec! Miss I need to save for school! What did you buy?"

"Well there was this really cute sweater and then of course it had matching jeans and boots and you can't not get the matching boots. I mean c'mon."

"Don't come crying to me when you're broke. Well I mean of course you can but I mean you always say that-"

"Ni, it's fine. I can spend a little on myself every now and again." I allowed the boys to finish their meals and I made them clean up cause there wasn't any way I was.

We went into the family room so they could play Fifa. This didn't surprise me at all. I was prepared for them to play for hours. I continued to feel Zayn staring at me. He looked like he had hurt in his eyes. But what for? I needed to speak with him alone. And before the funeral, this all needed to be sorted out.

"Guys, I'm gonna go grab some drinks anyone want some?"

"Yeah! I'll take a beer!"

"Me too!"

"I third that" The boys all said keeping their eyes glued to the television.

"Here, I'll come and help you." Zayn told me as he pushed himself off the couch. What made him all the sudden want to actually be with me alone?

"Oh, okay. Great." I said kind of hesitantly.

We walked out to the garage refrigerator where the beers and drinks were. I grabbed the beers one by one and I tried not to mention anything because it wasn't worth my breath or time.

"Here, take these four please."

"Are you really not gonna ask any questions? That's shocking." Zayn giggled to himself looking at the ground.

"Excuse me?"

"Well you've been up my ass and I figured now that we're alone that you would've asked me."

"Actually, I didn't feel like wasting my breath at this moment in time because you've been ignoring all of my texts."

"Sorry, I've been busy."

"Yeah, busy ignoring me and going behind everyone's back with Liam." I spoke the last part under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, just nothing. When you wanna tell me who the father is and man up please give me a call cause I'd love to know."

"I can't do it here with the boys. You know that."

"Well then where Zayn. It can't be over the phone, not at the restaurant or here? Where?"

"How about I pick you up for breakfast tomorrow, don't you have to help Mrs. Horan with funeral arrangements tomorrow?"

"Yes I do. And Zayn, just know I'm not stupid. I heard everything." I then walked inside ending the conversation there. Was he having Liam cover up for Niall? Niall and I were on a break when he did get with Stephanie again, I mean I technically can't get mad at him for that even though I hate that bitch.

I walked back inside and gave everyone their beers and apparently it didn't seem like we were gone longer than we should've been. Thank God.

The boys were there until about midnight. I went upstairs and showered and got into bed and let them continue their fun as I prepared myself for my not so fun day.

**The next morning**

I told Niall everything in a note what was going on that I wouldn't be home today, mainly that I'd be out helping his mom and that if he needed me to call my cell phone.

I decided to drive myself to the restaurant and not have an awkward car ride with Zayn.

I finally arrived to the restaurant and shook off my chills. I asked the hostess where Zayn was sitting and she led me to him. He stood up to hug me like his usually self would always do.

"Morning Bec. How are you?"

"Just peachy, yourself?"

"Good, good. Little sleepy haha. What else is new? Want some coffee?"

"Sure, sounds good." We got coffee and chatted a bit then placed our orders. And finally got to business and started talking.

"Okay, I guess I should probably just cut to the chase already shouldn't I?"

"Yes, yes that would be nice."

"Alright, so I'm assuming you saw Liam and Stephanie at Starbucks?"

"Unfortunately I did. I saw a little more than I exactly wanted to."

"Well none of that's true. None of it. It's all a cover up."

"What the hell do you mean a cover up?"

"Liam's not the father Bec."

"So you're telling me that Liam pretended that him and Stephanie were going out and that he was the father of the baby? Is the father Niall? Is he covering up for Niall? That's it. It's Niall isn't it. Gosh, to think I thought it was Liam. I mean yeah he's been a real jack ass but I mean I didn't-" He immediately cut me off from my rambling.

"Rebecca, stop. Niall's not the father. I am."

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