Chapter 32

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As soon as I sat down, I felt/saw my phone buzz. It was a text from Haley. My phone was placed on the table and Niall saw the text.

"Haley who's Haley?" Great, now I could either lie and say it was an old friend or tell him the truth.

"Uhm.... Okay don't shoot me, but it's your cousin."

"WHAT!? Why are you talking to her? You know I don't speak with her anymore."

"Well let's see, uhm one I was great friends with her when I met your family, two I bumped into her last night after I left pissed off and three you kicked her off to the side like me when you met Stephanie after the X Factor."

"Jeeze. Okay you didn't have to be so blunt and honest. What does she even want?"

"That's how I am. You've got no room to talk. And actually I found out a little secret last night, actually it's not so little."

"Great, here we go again. Let me guess, she's making up some bull shit story about how bad of a cousin I am, I threw her away like she was a piece of garbage."

"No Niall. You're wrong, yet again. Maybe it's something you know since you were sitting here crying?"

"The reason I'm sitting here crying is because I found out my grandfather is back in the hospital because his cancer is back." Shit, there's no way I could tell him about the pregnancy, he would flip and now his grandfather's back in the hospital? This just wasn't going as planned.

"Oh my god, Niall I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I said as I put my hand onto his. He looked down.

"I talked to the boys and they all wanna fly back home with me since we only have a little while longer before we started preparing for tour again."

"Wow, okay. Yeah. I understand. When are you leaving?"

"Today around 3:00 p.m. That was the next flight out we could get."

"Well did you want me to come or... I don't really know what you want me to do?"

"I mean of course, I'd love you to come but a certain someone might be there."

"Do not tell me that slut, I mean Stephanie is going to be there?"


"Are you serious Niall? What the actual hell. You know we don't get along."

"She's really close with my grandfather! I can't help that! Even after we broke up she was still supportive through the first time he got cancer."

"I'm telling you right now, you will not be meeting up with her without me there. Sorry, not taking chances with that girl." I don't care if I sound like some over protective girlfriend but for Pete's sake the girl was pregnant and there was more than 1 possibility for who the father was?

"That's perfectly fine. Nothing's gonna happen. It's still just you and me okay. Just the two of us."

"Whatever you say," I said with a slight smile on my face. Now I had to go and pack all of my belongings up again and figure out what was going to happen with Haley since I was leaving on such short notice. Her text said that she had to go back to her college that was a couple hours of way and we ending up not being able to meet up. But she told me once I landed, I had to skype her immediately because there was something else I had to learn but not over texts.

I asked Katelyn since we only had a short amount of time together if she wanted to come to stay with us for a few days and she accepted. Phew, I still had time to explain everything plus with everything going on, I could really use the support of a girlfriend.

We all got ready and headed to the airport by 2:00. We waited in the terminal for a good hour and 15 minutes because the plane was late and not prepared. We were all getting impatient and just wanted to get on the plane already. We had an extremely long flight. I decided that I would idolize this time to explain to Katelyn everything that happened. Niall sat next to Zayn instead of me.

As we stowed away our carry on's and buckled our seat belts I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the lecture I was about to get.



"There's something I have to tell you."

"Oh god, you're not pregnant are you? I told Niall to use protection!"

"Hahaha oh my gosh no! Someone else is but I'll get to that later. But okay, you know how Niall and I broke up for a little while once we first got together?"

"Oh... and yeah I do why?"

"Well I never exactly explained that reason to you did I?"

"Hmm, no you actually didn't."

"Well I kinda got drunk and cheated on Niall." I whispered this quietly god forbid anyone else on the plane heard me.

"YOU WHAT!?!?" Katelyn screamed and everyone on the plane turned their heads and looked at her.

"SHHHH!! Gosh would you let me explain. Well it was the night Niall and the boys went to the charity event and we all had a little too much to drink, except Liam because he can't drink. Liam and I were talking and one thing led to another and I blacked out and all I know is that I woke up wrapped in Liam's arms. Then after what felt like years to find out what really happened, I apparently went to third with him. But he wasn't drunk. I was and could barely stand up. Liam was in love or is in love with me I don't even know anymore but yeah."

"Whoa. You cheated? On Niall? The one you always wanted and had to have? With Liam? The puppy dog? Wow. I'm just shocked. I know it's not like you and I'm sure you were shitfaced. Trust me you get crazy and do things you shouldn't when you are. But I believe you but so is there a reason that it matters it was with Liam?"

"Well yeah! Obviously, I think he's only trying to get with you because he has feelings for me. He just wants to piss me off by getting with my best friend. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Ew! What a freaking pig. Damn it. I just want to find a guy who will treat me right for once."

"Lucky for you, Mr. Vas Happenin has been laying his eyes on you the entire time you've been here."

"Really!?" Katelyn said as she blushed. She got up from her seat and switched seats with Niall to talk to Zayn.

When Niall came over, I placed my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me and we both fell asleep.

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