chapter 4

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All of the sudden I hear a ringing coming from my computer and it was someone calling me through skype.

I had no idea who was calling me so I decided to click through to the call. It was Harry. 

“BEEEEEECCCCCCCCAAAAA. What’s going onnnnn!?” He said in the seductive low tone voice he has.

“I’m supposed to be asleep….. is there a reason you’re calling me at 4:00 a.m.?”

“Is there a reason you aren’t talking to Niall right now?”

“ Are you absolutely kidding me right now? You’ve got enough problems with Hanna right now.” Hanna was Harry’s long time girlfriend whom he had been having problems with. I wasn’t going to listen to him give me relationship advice when he couldn’t even take care of his own relationship. 

“You left Niall standing there in the kitchen feeling like a dumb ass. He thought things were starting to go well and that he was doing something right.” He all the sudden turns the camera to Niall and I see him bawling his eyes out. 

“Well maybe if Mr. Niall didn’t decide to lie to me about him and Stephanie’s relationship I wouldn’t have been so pissed. He clearly is wasting my time if he is just going to sit there and lie to me.” I couldn’t take it anymore. Why was I going to take relationship advice from Harry, wasn’t it clear that I didn’t want to make amends with Niall, I only talked to him because we were assigned husband and wife for a class. If I had the choice I’d erase that asshole from my memory. 

“Rebecca, can’t you see Niall is sitting here in tears. He doesn’t know you can see him right now btw. I told him I wouldn’t tell you he’s crying but if that’s what it takes to get your attention then that is what I will do.”

“Look Harry I seriously can’t take the lying, all the games, and any of this right now. I have way too much on my plate. If he wants his way back into my heart you tell him he better have some amazing shit planned or what not. It will not be easy.” I said as I was fighting back from the tears about to roll down from my eyes. I immediately hung up from Harry and then proceeded to bawl my eyes out on my bed for the next hour. 

I fell asleep for the rest of the night ignoring the fact I had homework and I woke up here and there throughout the night seeing that Niall was calling and texting me nonstop. I couldn’t answer I picked it up once and all I could hear was his worried some voice say my name over and over begging me to speak. I shut my phone off for the night and left it at home all during school.

School went by quickly and it was surprising that Niall wasn’t there. I figured he’d be there planning something to get my attention but no he wasn’t there. When I got home I turned my phone on to see I had 63 messages from Niall. None of them made sense.

I heard a knock at the door and there was a small box there with a note attached to the top. There was no one standing at the door nor a car in sight.

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