Chapter 29

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Shit that hurt. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm in a rush and I'm not being aware of my surroundings." I quickly apologized.

"Oh it's okay! No worries. It's a crowded club there's no space for anyone haha." That's when I looked up and saw who the girl was. It was Niall's cousin, Haley. I had met Haley when I first met Niall in Ireland a while ago. She and Niall were close but when he went on the X Factor, things really changed between them. I do know that she had left Ireland to come to the U.S but what were the odds that she was here now?

"Wait, Haley? Is that you?"

"Oh my god, Becca? Wait there's no way!? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? I mean I know you came to America for college but here? I mean I'm here or at least was here with Niall and the boys for my birthday."

"I decided to go to UCLA and we're on break right now so a bunch of us are hitting up clubs and the beach. But wow, the boys? Gosh I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw or spoke to them. How are they?"

"They're good. I mean yeah, yeah I guess they're good. Keeping busy they're all here right now on break."

"How about Niall? Ever since he dated that Stephanie bitch I was shoved out of the picture. You'd think he'd put family first? Ha, was I wrong."

"You're telling me, God sometimes I really just don't understand his motives. Everything's always my fault."

"Oh, from what I've seen in the tabloids it unfortunately seems that way. And you know what's funny? A friend back at home told me she's pregnant and doesn't even know who the father is. She tweeted a picture of her bump today."

I got a really bad gut feeling in my stomach. I didn't know anything about Niall and Stephanie's sex life but for that time Niall and I were apart and he saw her, they could've slept together for all I know.

"Wait what!?" I was so shocked. I had no words for how I felt.

"Listen, I don't mean to cut you off but my friends are probably wondering where I am. Here's my number and give me a call and maybe we'll meet up for lunch this week? Yeah?"

"Sounds perfect! Bye!" She handed me a piece of paper with her cell phone number on it. I looked down to myself thinking what I was going to do next. I really wanted to meet up again because I wanted to find out more about Stephanie was it Niall's? Better yet, did he know she was even pregnant?

I didn't know where else to go but back to the hotel because I didn't have my house key with me, it was back in Niall and I's hotel room. As I arrived, I went up to the front desk to ask for another room. I was given a room on the 9th floor. I quickly hopped in the elevator and went to my other room to grab pajamas because I wasn't sleeping in a party dress. I knocked on the door first to see if anyone was there, and luckily no one was.

I slid my key through the key hole and the door immediately unlocked allowing me access to all of my stuff. I just wanted to grab everything now so it would be much easier for the rest of our stay. I shoved everything in my suitcase and didn't care how messy it was. In about 10 minutes all of my stuff was together. I rolled my bag to the door and as I shut the door behind me I heard voices coming down the hall.

"Crap!" I thought to myself. I didn't want it to be the boys. I was not in the mood to get yelled at or told to listen to Niall or apologize. I didn't want any of that. I wanted to relax. I lifted up my head to see it was Zayn and Niall. I sped walked towards the opposite end of the hallway where another set of elevators were.

All I could hear them say was, "Dude, what the hell?" then a "I don't know!" and a "It's up to you. Your choice bro."

"Bec!? Rebecca is that you!?" I heard Niall scream from

down the hall. I continued to walk I didn't wanna hear his bullshit.

I was jamming the elevator button in praying the elevator would arrive before Niall could catch me.


I got in the elevator and pressed 9 as fast as I could and right as I did, Niall caught up and the doors shut right on his face and quite frankly he deserved it.

"That's what you get for calling me a whore." Now that I got off the elevator I just wanted to go to my room and take a nice, hot, bath.

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