chapter 7

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''God I love you.'' I said quite loudly. Oh my god, shit did i seriusly just say that? That was not how i wanted it to happen. I wanted it to be later on he wasn't ready to hear this. Shit, did i just ruin everything? 

''What? What did you just say...?''

''Nothing, nothing at all.'' All the boys looked at each other confused. They all knew what had just happened . They all gave each other the ''did you hear that too?'' look.

Louis came up to me and in that goofy voice of his and says, ''Ayy well that was a nice move! We'll be hearing him going on and on about that tonight,'' Shit, yup. Everything just out the window, my entire plan. Gone.

Dinner couldn't have gone any slower. When Niall dropped me off he walked me to my front door.

''Hey there's one last thing before i go''

''What's that?''

''I love you too,'' I stood there with a blank expression on my face and ran inside before anyone could say anything else.

I leaned against the back of the door and screamed, ''FUCK YES.'' Only to not realize i said it loud enough for Niall to hear me and i heard him giggle. I realized i didn't want the night to end so i quickly ran outside to catch him before he left.

He was pulling out of the drive way and i caught him right in time.

''Niall! Wait. Do you maybe wanna come inside for a bit? I'm pretty sure Finding Nemo's on tonight..''

''Yeah, sure. That'd be great.'' I could see the suprise on his face. It seemed like he really did wanna come inside.

My parents wern't home so I figured we could crack open a few root beers. Niall had three root beers and before I even knew it i had four. All night we were confessing our secrets to each other, just like before. It was really like we were best friends again. But this time, it was more than that. Niall leaned forward and tried to kiss me, but we head butted instead. We laughed about it, but Niall  wasn't going to give up that easy.

He leaned forward again and this time he gently kissed my lips. His lips were soft and I didn't intend on stopping. He put his hand on the side of my neck and softly opened his his lips. I pulled away and looked at him sadly, ''I'm sorry.. I'm just nervous i guess.'' He just smiled at me, it didn't seem to bother him at all. He pulled me onto his lap and put his arms around me. I placed my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck. He looked down and kissed me one last time. Last was the last thing I remember from that night.


sorry this is a really short chapter

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