Chapter 28

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Great, I thought to myself, this is all I needed. Niall was the jealous type and I knew it. I couldn't hide the fact that it made him mad I was paying attention to what Liam was doing.

"Really, Bec, really?" I kept staring at how those two were hooking up and the anger on my face only grew stronger.

"Rebecca? Earth to Rebecca?! Helllllooooo?" Niall waved his hand in front of my face.

"REBECCA MARIE HAMILITON!!" Niall screamed right into my face.

"What? Wait what, yeah Niall?"

"Are you absolutely kidding me right now?"

"Chill out Niall. What's your problem?" Niall gave me quite the attitude and it was very unappreciated.

"It only took me 10 minutes to get your attention away from Mr. Liam over there."

"Niall I'm not doing this here. It's my night to have fun on my birthday."

"Fine, you won't do this here? Alright c'mon with me."

"Ni-" I was cut off as Niall wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me out of the club. I nearly tripped over my own two feet as I was in 3 ½ inch heels. All the boys looked at us as we left the night club not saying a word to anyone else.

We got into Niall's car and the entire car ride was silent. The only thing you could hear was me mumbling to myself and Niall breathing heavily. Just my fricken luck. I mean life just can't go my way for once. I totally forgot, since things are too good, BAM, haha good try Bec, it's not gonna be that good. Great just freaking great. We finally pulled into the hotel parking lot and went up to the 6th floor where our room was. That's when I saw the number 246 and I slid the key in and walked straight through the door. Niall immediately slammed the door behind me for the entire hotel to hear.

"Niall, calm the hell down. This isn't like you."

"Well I wish I could say the same to you but I mean it is like you to look and ponder at other guys when you uhm I don't know, have a boyfriend!"

"Are you seriously doing this right now? Are you forgetting the fact we are celebrating MY birthday, and you have to go and ruin it."

"I'm not ruining anything. This is all on you. You were the one who had to get mad at the fact Liam was with another girl. You clearly wish it was you. I'm not stupid. I mean I thought I was being the perfect boyfriend. I've done so much for you and-"

"Oh my god, Niall! Would you just shut up for two seconds and let me explain? Cause maybe if you let me you'd realize, 'Wow I was stupid for thinking she wanted to be with Liam.'"

Niall kept pacing back and forth and bringing his hand to his head. You could see the frustration on his face. His race was a bright red and he hadn't gotten this mad since the accident with Liam.

"No, I'm sorry but no. You shouldn't care about Liam's actions unless they are towards you in a negative way. And you should at least be happy for your best friend. But noooooo you have to go and worry about Mr. Let me go to third base with my best friend's girlfriend. Stupid whore" Niall mumbled the last two words. I was furious. It was enough the tabloids and the boys already called me "The One Way Whore" but hearing it from Niall when we were together was an all-new low.

"Fuck you Horan. I'm done here." I only called him Horan when I was angry with him and he knew that. He should've let me speak and explain but it was his fault he didn't. The real reason I'm mad is because Liam is only getting with Katelyn because he wants to make me jealous. And I know he's already had 3 other dates this past week with 3 different girls and I don't need my best friend to have a broken heart.

I grabbed my purse and jacket and headed for the door. Niall followed behind me trying to grab me and stop me.

"Bec, don't be stupid. Don't leave."

"NO. Now if you excuse me I have a birthday to celebrate with some friends." The tears were about to roll down my cheeks. My face was red and Niall knew he had gone too far. I rushed back to the club to look for the boys and Katelyn but they were nowhere to be found. All of the sudden I turned around and smacked my head right into hers. But this wasn't just any girl.

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