Chapter 21

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"Well let's take a stroll down memory lane and truly test that big brain of yours."

"Okay, go on...."

"What was I wearing the night that we met?"

"Wow. First questions a tricky one isn't it?"

He started to take out a pair of scissors and one of my favorite shirts.

"Oh, yeah. They're not gonna be easy. You'll start to feel my pain."

"It's called sarcasm. Please you think I wouldn't remember? You were wearing a purple zip up hoodie with dark washed skinny jeans."

"Damn it." I heard Niall whisper under his breath.

"Oh okay, so you want me to get these wrong don't you?"

"No it's not that I just want to cut up your clothes."

"Gee thanks. Alright now can we get going with these questions? I would really like to go to my hotel and change into some sweats."

"Oh no no. You're not going anywhere. You're staying in the guest room of the beach house because you never know when a question will pop up."

"What are you gonna do wake up me up at 4 in the morning to ask me your favorite color?"

"Ah, who knows. Only time will tell. Now I'm going to pay the check and we're going to get out of here and continue this game at home."

Great. So now this was a 24/7 game. I saw how he was playing this. I was exhausted and not in the mood for this at all. But you know what, I guess he was worth it.

He finished paying the check and lead me out side and told me the next question was to see if I could remember where their beach house was. I mean I had been there before and you couldn't miss it. So I guess I would be passing this next part.

I end up beating Niall home by ten minutes. I walked inside with the spare key Harry and Louis had given me and took a seat on the couch tapping my foot waiting for Niall to come in. I heard the dangling of his keys unlock the front door. As he turned around and walked in to see me already sitting there, his jaw dropped to the floor. Oh yeah, he was definitely surprised I had accomplished this.

"Oh well hello. I have no idea how you got in but well done..." He said with a surprised voice. I dangled the spare key I had in the air to show him. He showed me to the room I'd be staying in. On the bed were a pair of boxer shorts and one of Niall's t-shirts.

"Niall, can't I just have my own clothes to sleep in please?"

"Hahaha. That's a funny joke. You won't get away with trying to trick me that easily. Now hurry up and change and get ready for bed. There's more before this night ends.

As I finished slipping into the clothes he gave me but no choice to wear, I had to walk past his bedroom to get downstairs. That's when I heard him on skype with someone. I listened in a little closer to see it was Louis.

Niall: "Lou, I think it's working. I think she actually is in it. She agreed to stay here. Little does she know of all that I have planned. What has she told you?"

Louis: "Niall, I'm gonna leave that up to her to tell you but what I will say is when you finally have the chance, grab her and don't let her go."

Niall: "Well what about Liam?"

Louis: "Don't worry about Li, we will take care of him don't you worry. Now seriously, go try and forgive your girl."

Niall: "Thanks man. I really appreciate it."

"YES!" I whispered too loudly. I couldn't believe it, the boys were right, Niall still did want this to work. That's when Niall came out of the door and asked what was going on.

"Oops, sorry I was just reading a text that I had won a contest that I entered...?"

"Yeah, okay. Now c'mon let's go downstairs. Do you know what we're gonna do?"

"Let's see you're gonna ask what I want to eat? Well clearly you have popcorn that needs to be made and you want to watch Grease am I right?"

"Damn it! How the hell-"

"If that was your next question, please I've known you for a while now, I do pay attention you know."

We put in the DVD and started to hum along with all of the songs. I started to yawn and my eyes were closing more and more each minute. I was ready to crash. But I tried to stay awake to please Niall.

*Beep beep beep beep beep* I moaned as I heard the alarm that was still set on my phone. It was 8:30. I noticed Niall's arm were wrapped around my waist, why I do not know, but I decided this would be the perfect time for me to do something for him.

Now I was going to show him all the tricks I had up my sleeves.

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