Chapter 14

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"Niall.... Is that you?" I said to him sadly as I was even surprised to see him there without Stephanie. He turned over and gave me a confused look as to why I was even talking to him.

"What Rebecca? Are you happy now? Do you see how I am?" He started to push his chair back and stand up. All of the sudden I see the boys rush to cover the door.

"Oh no no. Niall you're not going anywhere. I've had it with you two. You're gonna sit down and talk." Louis always supported us and he really wanted to make us work. I loved Louis for that. It's not like Liam was going to help anyways.

"Niall can you please just hear me out? For one second. Look at the way you dropped me and left me the first time. I let you back in my life. Do you realize how hard that was for me? Do you know how much that took of me." I was shaking so much. My hands wouldn't stop moving. I was beyond nervous. I swear it was like I was some huge mega-fan meeting him for the first time.

"Do you not get what you did? You disgust me. At first it didn't bother me, but then you went even further. You and Liam are great friends and I love that. But when I walked in, I had enough!"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO NIALL!? Don't you get that I clearly don't see what I did. I have no idea. I clearly didn't go all the way with him. What did you walk in on? Please, just tell me."

"You... you went to third with him!" My jaw immediately dropped. Oh my god. I had never gone that far with a guy before. I hadn't even gone past second with Niall. I cannot believe I did this. I was clearly drunk. He needs to understand that's just not me.

"What the hell? That's not like me you know I'm not that kind of girl, Niall! You know that for a fact. Please. I do not have any feelings for Liam. You have to get that."

"How am I supposed to trust either of you now? I thought he was my best friend and you were supposed to be my girlfriend. Do you think I'm gonna let everything slide that easily?"

Tears started streaming down his face and I stated to tear up myself. This just wasn't happening. I wanted to be back in Niall's arms where I belonged. He just wasn't going to forgive me was he.

"That's the thing Niall. You have to learn to trust me again as I had to let you slowly gain back trust and respect from me. Let's not forget how you left me hanging. You know that when I get drunk I get out of hand. C'mon! We both woke up half naked the other morning!" All the boys started chuckling. Whenever someone said naked it was apparently funny.

"Well you state a fair point..."

"You bet your ass I do! Niall, I didn't do it on purpose you have to believe me. But you also have some explaining to do about Stephanie being on the plane... hmm?"

"You know what? I think we've both had enough for one day, Rebecca. I'm gonna go home and sleep on it before I even THINK about letting you back into my life. Goodnight. And Liam, don't be afraid to let the door hit you on your way out." Niall had such an attitude on him. This was not like him whatsoever. His sweet, adorable, and cute personality was out the window. I had to earn my way back into his life just like he had to do for me. I had the perfect way to do so but it was going to take a lot of time and preparation.

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