Chapter 8

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As I opened my eyes I found myself laying on Niall's warm, bare chest. I on the other hand had no pants on. How did it go from me being nervous about snogging to us being half naked? I had such a bad headache and could definitely tell I was hung-over from the night before. I thought I'd be funny and I tickle his neck which I knew was his tickle spot. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hello beautiful!"

"Good morning sleepy head." He scanned the room trying to figure out what had actually happened. He looks at the floor and see's my pants.

"Why aren't your pants on?"

"I could ask you the same about your shirt?"

How were things going from me hating Niall so much to me waking up in the morning lying in his arms? I never thought this would happen. After we both had fully woken up I hopped in the shower because I felt disgusting from the night before. By the time I had gotten out I smelt coming from the kitchen. I walked downstairs in yoga pants and a t-shirt to see Niall cooking breakfast. He definitely put a smile on my face. He was being everything I had ever wanted in a guy.

"Look who's finally out of the shower. Did you fall asleep in there or something?" I had taken a 20 minute shower because that's where I like to do my thinking. I was trying to think about what the hell had happened the night before.

"No.... hahaha I was just enjoying the warmth."

"I'll keep you warm!" Niall said to me as he came running toward me with his arms open for a Horan hug. God did I love his hugs. For once things were going my way and I didn't want to stop things from going the way that they were.

"Why are you so cute?" I said to him as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Alright we need to eat fast because I am taking you out today. Don't even bother asking where we're going because I'm not gonna tell ya! And no, it's not Nando's."

I went to go change my outfit so I didn't look like shit out in public with Niall. Niall didn't usually like taking me out during the day because of the paparazzi. He wanted to always be secretive so no accusations were going to be made.

We drove for what seemed like forever but was about 3 hours. I didn't know where Niall was taking me. All I knew was that he would have to be back soon because he had a gala tonight that he couldn't miss. Next thing I knew we arrived at some house that I had never seen before. I didn't know what was going on.

"Uh, Niall... where are we?"

"You'll see just wait until we get inside."

As I walked inside I had seen Niall and the boy's stylist with a bunch of ball gowns and tuxedos. I figured Niall was just meeting the boys here real quick to get fitted for the tuxedos and Danielle and Eleanor were picking out dresses for tonight.

"Alright Rebecca, pick out which one you'd like!" Niall happily said to me. I just stood there with a confused face. What the.... wait was he taking me to the gala? There was no way. Like I said before he wasn't the type who wanted to be open in the public. Plus, we were still just friends. I mean we haven't even mentioned our status anyways.

"Wait excuse me what? There's gonna be paparazzi and others there. I don't even know where we stand... what's this supposed to mean?"

"Oh just shut up and pick a dress! We're gonna talk later. Just hurry up so we can make another stop."

I had decided a pink sweet heart neckline dress that dropped from the waist and had gems along the neckline and waist line. The dress was absolutely beautiful. I then picked silver heels. I wanted to look my best because this would be the first time people would be finding out about me in the public eye.

After we had left the stylist house we had driven to a nearby beach to go on a walk. Niall and I always enjoyed taking walks especially on the beach. This would be the perfect time to get answers to all of my questions.

"Do you wanna explain to me what's going on tonight?"

"Well I figured you'd wanna come to the gala so I drove you to pick up a dress."

"It would've been nice if you had formally asked me and not just assumed...."

"Oh so you're gonna play this game? Well then! Rebecca, will you go to the gala with me tonight as friends. Don't worry not a date. I'm not gonna pressure you into anything."

Shit, I thought to myself. Maybe he was just being flirty with me with all the kissing and snogging. I guess he didn't really wanna leave the friends zone. He did just want to be close friends again.

"Are you, Niall Horan, asking me Rebecca to the gala tonight? Whoa now I mean people might see us and start thinking!"

"Oh shut up smart ass is it a yes or no?" He always got a kick out of my sarcasm.

"Well I guess I could make a few changes in my schedule and come tonight."

"Oh you don't have to make any changes I already did for you."

What a smart ass he was. He would always make arrangements this way nothing was in the way of us spending the night together. I was so excited for tonight. It was time to go home and get ready. Tonight was going to be special and memorable. I wanted to make this night last.

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