Chapter 41

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"Can you please repeat that?"

"Rebecca, it's me. I am the father."

"What do you mean YOU are the father? That's impossible! And disgusting. Oh my god how many guys has she been with? Ew. Zayn how could you do this to me? Better yet how could you do this to Niall. He's supposed to be your best friend."

"Bec, I know trust me it's not what it-"

"No, Zayn. That's unacceptable. I don't know where you learned how to be a friend but friend's don't go and get their friend's ex-girlfriend's pregnant."

"You don't think I get that if you'd just let me-"

"Oh I am not finished. Then you are supposed to be my best friend to and you lead me to believe that Liam, who has put me through fricken hell and back was the father when it was you. So now you're the liar. You're just like Liam. A liar. What is this Liar Direction?"

"Rebecca shut the fuck up! My good god! It was a one night stand. We were both drunk out of our minds. We were all at a party, I had just had a little too much to drink and Stephanie and Niall just broke up. She went a little heavy on the drinking and I didn't really know it was her and one thing led to another."

"I don't care Zayn that's not okay. Drunk or not. You got her pregnant. Do you not know what protection is? Did you not think of a morning after pill?"

"She told me she was on the pill! But I guess she wasn't! Or it didn't work so well. Bec c'mon please, you've gotta believe me when I say it wasn't intentional. I would never ever mean it to hurt either one of you. Ever. I swear."

I took in a deep breath and look him in the eyes. Those deep brown orbs of his were something you couldn't say no to.

"Zayn, I can't do this right now. I'm sorry I need time to think and I have to go meet Maura." I grabbed my coat and slipped my arms in each sleeve one by one. For Niall's sake I don't know if I could forgive him on the spot.

"Bec, please no, don't do this. Don't leave." He said wrapping his hand around my arm.

"Zayn, I never said I wouldn't forgive you, it's a matter of for the sake of Niall and the sake he's in, I don't know how I can deal with this right now. His best friend got his ex-girlfriend pregnant. I really want to talk this through."

"Can't we do it now please?" I've never seen such sorrow in Zayn's eyes.

I sighed, "I guess maybe we can go for a late coffee tonight. BUT, here's what's happening. Tonight, we will devise a plan on how you will tell Niall."

"Okay, got it."

I started to head for the door when I heard, "And Bec, just know I love you, okay?"

"Yeah, I guess I love you too Zayn," I whispered with my head down low.

I walked out of the restaurant, hopped in my car and headed for the funeral home to meet up with Maura. I was hoping this wouldn't be a sad process. I wasn't very good in situations like this. I didn't know what to say when it came to times like this.

We were there for the next couple hours making arrangements for the times, day and flowers. Not exactly Maura's cup of tea. She shed a few tears along the way but she was okay for most of it. I made sure that she thought of all the memorable times that her father had throughout his life.

**Back at home**

As I arrived back home to Niall, he was sitting there playing video games laughing with Louis. I explained to him that we would have the funeral in two days. This meant Zayn had two short days to tell Niall.

I figured I would get Zayn to tell Niall tonight before it was too late and too close to the funeral. I texted Zayn saying we didn't have anything else to discuss and that Niall would be joining us for coffee or we wouldn't be coming all. His only reply was, "Oh, k xx"

I waited for the boys to finish up their games to get Niall ready to go. We walked hand in hand to the local Starbucks where we planned to meet Zayn.

"So tell me again why we're going to see Zayn babe?"

"Oh no reason, he just wants to talk and stuff!"

"Hmm, alright!"

The bell dinged as we walked into the Starbucks and Zayn stood up to greet us giving us each a hug. You could easily see he was nervous by the tight hug he gave me.

"Relax," I whispered in his ear.

"So, how are ya Niall?"

"Good, good getting' along haha."

"That's good. I'm glad to hear that. Ha." Zayn laughed

extremely nervously as Niall gripped onto my thigh.

"Listen Niall, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Oh alright!" Niall said cheerfully.

"It's about Stephanie"

"Uh, could we not in front of Bec. You know she doesn't-"

"Niall it's fine." I interrupted him

"She's pregnant."

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