Chapter 23

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"Fuck! Do you have a fire extinguisher anywhere?!"

"Not that I know of! Here pour some water on it!" He said as he took a glass of water and spilled it on top.

"Niall, no!! That..... only makes it worse." I said as he had already done it and there was no turning back.


I looked everywhere and thought back to my cooking class and on how to put out grease fires.


"What? Why are you saying random words? That's not a time for this!"

"No, remember, Mrs. Smith our teacher said put a lid on grease fires to stop them!" I couldn't believe it, Niall actually remembered something from our class. I mean it was where we were reunited.

"Oh my god, you're right! Here!" Niall put his arm over my chest as he dropped it on the grease as he shielded our faces for protection.

"I can't believe you actually remembered something from that class.

"Well I mean it was one of the things I picked up when I wasn't worrying about you."

"Oh. But thank you. I can't believe that just happened."

We looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. We wanted to ignore the mess but Niall was hungry and we had to continue to make breakfast. Niall looked down at the charcoal bacon.

"Okay, I know this isn't a question, but you remember your blue button up blouse I bought you awhile ago."


"Eat this. Or you can say bye bye."

"Niall, that's disgusting and I'm pretty sure unhealthy to eat something that was just on fire like that."

"Okay.... If you say so." Niall said as he shrugged his shoulders walking away to go grab the shirt.

"WAIT!" I said as I held out my arm to stop him. "Give me the bacon." I hesitantly took the bacon and stuck out my tongue to taste it.

"There done."

"Oh, no no. You're eating the whole piece. I want to see your mouth after it's all swallowed."

"You're going to be the death of me. I swear."

I took the piece and ate it as fast as I could. As it slid slowly down my throat, I could just taste the disgusting charcoal on it. I started to cough a little to avoid the gross taste.

"You okay?" I started to cough more and more because it went down a weird way in my throat. Niall quickly grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me to drink. I drank some quickly to get the gross taste out of my mouth. He was going to pay later.

"Oh I'm fine don't mind me eating that disgusting piece of bacon. No I wouldn't even call that bacon."

"Well it's the price you-" He tried to finish his sentence but I shoved a piece in his mouth before he could spit it out and I closed his mouth and made him swallow it.

"Awww the poor baby. Now come on chew, chew. You can do it I have the faith."

I could hear him swallow and that's when I let go. "Oh you will regret that when I get rid of that pretty cheetah scarf you have."

"You wouldn't dare. That's cheating! I didn't answer a question incorrectly."

"But you messed with the host of the game. I make the rules."

I shrugged it off and didn't even want to bother fighting it. As we resumed cleaning my iPod was still on and I turned it up. Cher Lloyd's Want U Back came on and I immediately felt awkward. I remember Lou told Niall that awhile back when Stephanie was still in Niall's life I would sing this constantly even though I didn't even have Niall.

"UGH!" I grunted at the beginning of the song. I couldn't help it. It was too fun to avoid.

"Cute grunt. UGH!" He tried to grunt but his voice cracked.

"Oh well then... that was uh a good squeak I mean grunt."

I started to sing and dance around as I continued cleaning up. I was making a fool of myself but why not. Niall got a mop and bucket out to clean to floor from all the grease that splattered everywhere. he poured in some soap and as he dipped the mop into the bucket, the mop pushed it over and the water went everywhere along with the bubbles.


"Ah sheeeet. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Here I'll clean it up." He took a few steps back and then got a running start to slid into the water.

"What is this a water park?"

He shook out his hair and I played it in slow motion in my head. I started to bite my lower lip at how sexy he looked. He saw me but I stopped and release my lip from my teeth.

"So are you gonna help me out and clean it up? My clothes can only mop up so much. Before I had the chance to answer he pulled me down and splashed water all of me. I took bubbles and smeared them all over his face. Oh it was on. I was gonna get him and get him good.

"Hey look! It's santa claus!" I couldn't help but giggle at the beard I had given him.

"Oh look its Mrs. Claus!" He said as he put a big thing of bubbles on my head making it look like I had white hair.

"Where are all the cookies? Cause I'm hungry and want some."

Niall grabbed a pancake from the stack that I had successfully made and shoved it right all around my face.

"Oh, I forgot! Did you want some syrup too? Here let me get you some." He took the syrup and squeezed it all down my head and onto my face.

"Horan, oh it's on." I grabbed ketchup from the fridge and we had a full on food fight. It was like nothing had ever happened. We fought for a good fifteen minutes until we ran out of things to throw. The kitchen was a mess but it was a hell of a good time.

We finally slid onto the floor and couldn't help but to laugh. We were both laughing so hard we weren't making any noises. That's when all of the sudden I snorted. I was doing so good until I snorted. I occasionally slipped one here or there when I was laughing really hard.

"Ah, don't worry about I think it's cute."

"Whoa, that's coming from the boy that didn't even want anything to do with me. Saying that I did something cute?"

"Oh would you just shut up and not ruin this moment." That's when he brought his face closer to mine and before I knew it our lips crashed together. It was the most passionate kiss we had ever shared.

"Niall, what about the game."

"What game?" He winked at me and starting moving his hand up my leg.

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