Chapter 37

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"Oh my gosh, I-I I'm so sorry, I'll be there as fast as I can okay? Please tell Niall I'm going to drive to the hospital now." I cannot believe this had happened. This was all happening way too fast. My jaw dropped and I blocked out the rest of the world for a minute or two.

"Rebecca? Bec? Rebeeecccaa!?! Helllllo! What the hell is going on!?" Haley and Zayn said both waving their hands in front of my face.

"Whoa, sorry uhm, Niall's grandfather died." I said as tears brimmed my eyes and I quickly grabbed my things.

"Zayn can you please drive me to the hospital?"

"Of course, of course. Haley can we please reschedule? This will have to wait."

"Yes, of course. I cannot believe he's gone. I mean I wasn't as close with him as Niall was but still. This is just-" Haley stopped as she had tears coming to her eyes. We can't forget she is Niall's cousin. I didn't ever tell you guys why they don't get along. Well that is because of their families. Niall's mom is related to Haley's father. Because of the fight, Haley never was around the family much. They got into a huge dispute then later on she said something about One Direction that wasn't so nice out of spite. She didn't mean it, but of course Niall won't believe it. I don't know many details about why Haley didn't see her family much, but I do know that it still hurts.

I went over and gave her a warming hug and let her cry into my shoulder. Zayn stood there and you could see him starting to get upset. Zayn wasn't one to show his emotions, I know that when he sees Niall cry, he will probably cry.

I offered to drive Haley back home but she was okay and had her own ride. I figured I would be seeing her at the funeral. We would be talking later.

Zayn rapped his arm around my shoulder shielding me from all the paparazzi as we walked outside. He did it just as any friend would. Great, this story would be right in the tabloids and it isn't what Niall and I needed right now.

As we got in the car, we quickly drove off and arrived to the hospital in about 20 minutes. We rushed through the doors and I ran up to the desk to ask where the Horan's room is. I figured they'd be making arrangements for the funeral and saying their last goodbyes.

We had to take the elevator to the second floor to where his grandfather was being treated. The elevator ride felt like the longest minute of my life. I kept tapping my foot repeatedly. Zayn could tell I was extremely nervous. I wasn't good when it came to situations like this. Whenever someone cried, I would cry as well and if not harder. I also didn't want to say the wrong thing. What if Niall was mad I wasn't there when it happened? What if Niall is mad I wasn't there sooner? Maybe I am just overreacting, like always.

As we came out of the elevator and rounded the corner, I saw all the boys standing whispering to each other and glancing back to check on Mrs. Horan.

"Bec! Thank God you're here." All the boys engulfed me in a huge group hug at once. But there was no Niall in this group hug at all.

"Guys, where's Niall?"

"He won't come out of the bathroom. He's been in there for the past 30 minutes. We've tried everything. He locked the doors and all. Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Oh my goodness, poor thing." I said as tears began to form in my eyes. "Did Maura try to talk to him?"

"Of course! We tried to get Harry, Liam, his dad, Greg, Steph-" That's when Harry elbowed Louis in the stomach.

"Oh my god, shut up!" He said as he gritted his teeth and gave Lou a glare. Lou looked down at his shoes.

"Wait, what? Stephanie's here? You know what that's not important. Whatever. Just where is he?"

"In here." Harry directed me towards the bathroom looking at Louis knowing he had messed up. This was all I needed was Stephanie here.

"Niall, sweety?" I lightly tapped on the bathroom door and leaned my ear against the door to try and hear something. I could hear sobs coming from the other side.

"Go- go aw-wa-ay." Niall could barely speak between his sobs.

"Ni, c'mon it's Rebecca. Would you please let me in babe?" I heard the door unlock and a crying Niall sitting in the corner with his head buried in his hands.

I immediately walked over and engulfed him in the biggest hug I could. I have never seen him like this before. I sat there with him and cried and held him tightly and let him let his emotions out until he was ready to talk. I knew this wasn't going to be easy for him. I couldn't even imagine. I have never lost a close family member so I am not sure what it is really like.

Niall and I were in the bathroom for a good 45 minutes before he was finally ready to talk and relax. He was ready to go back out and talk with everyone. He mentioned that he was, of course, starving and asked if I could go and get him food. I didn't mind at all so I walked to the food court with Zayn to get food for everyone.

My phone was buzzing uncontrollably and a lot of it was coming from twitter and I got at least 10 texts from Katelyn telling me to check twitter and Even though Katelyn liked Zayn she knew I would never cheat on Niall, especially now. She knew it was the damn tabloids blowing everything out of proportion. Oh boy, what was on his blog this time? And what were directioners up to? Did those pictures of Zayn and I seriously already get leaked?

The headline read: "Horan's Princess Making Her Way Around the Band, Again?" Then there was a picture of me and Zayn and him holding me close to his chest but this picture looked a lot more intimate than what really happened. Then as I scrolled down there was another post reading: "Coming soon, We've Got the Texts To Prove it All! Kiss Your Princess Goodbye Horan." What texts? This will be interesting.

Are you kidding me? Now I had to keep Niall off of twitter, which shouldn't be too hard with this predicament but he always turns to his fans when he is upset. I need Niall to know I am here for him and only him. Why is there so much fricken drama in my life? Can't it be simple for once?I then felt a tap on my shoulder and knew something might be up.

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