Chapter 18

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Okay, now I didn't want to be rude to the boys and just take charge but honestly, enough was enough. I need my Nialler back and now. I couldn't take not waking up to him on weekend mornings or wake up to him making breakfast. I missed the warmth of his touch and how comforting his hugs were. Now I chased him once before and I will do it again. But where, where could he be?

I asked Zayn who he received the text from and he said Louis. Louis was supposed to meet Niall at his flat when he saw a note that Niall said he was gone and leaving. There wasn't a reason why he was leaving or to where. This worried me. What other place, city, or country was he planning on running to.

I went back to my aunt's house where I walked inside and I saw the lights dimmed and heard music playing. I walked into the kitchen to see Liam sitting at the kitchen table with a cake on the table. No, no this was not happening. He clearly can't take a hint. I told him I wanted to just be friends and that was it. Niall was the one I wanted to be with.

"Helllllllo Rebecca. How are you this fine evening?" Liam came up to me as he tried to kiss me but I turned my head so his lips met my cheek.

"Liam, no. I'm sorry. But what do you want now isn't a good time?"

"What do you mean it isn't a good time? C'mon Becca. Niall's out of the way it's ju-"

"Excuse me? What do you mean he's OUT of the way.....? Liam I swear."

"Rebecca, please I'm only doing what's best for our relationship. I told Niall you weren't even shedding a tear for him and didn't give two shits about him because that's the truth. I haven't seen you cry once. I'm sure Niall's on his way back to America already. He went back there to the beach house of ours. He told me that he wanted to find out for himself if you didn't really care. I told him you were back in America but now you're here with me and only me. It's just us now."

What the hell was this? Liam was supposed to be the sweet, innocent, loving one. Why was he being such a pain in the ass and wanted what he couldn't have. You thought he'd have the decency to not go after his best friend's girl. What was this?

"How could you do this to me!? I have you know I haven't stopped thinking about him for one day. And I have cried a fucking river for that guy. He's everything I have ever wanted. If you really wanted me, you'd want me to be happy. You would want what's best for me. What's best for me is Niall not you. You and I are meant to be friends and that is it."

"But Rebecca c'm-"

"No, it's time for you to go Liam. That's it okay. I'm sorry but I need to get ready."

"Get ready for what."

"I'm not telling anyone anything because you know what it's not getting out of control. Now please just go." I said pointing to the door waiting for Liam to go. As the door closed behind him I could sense how upset he was. I loved Liam but as a FRIEND. And if he couldn't see that, I didn't know what to do. I only wanted Niall to know I cared for him.

Tears started to stream down my face thinking at how Niall thought I didn't care. Of course I cared. Look at me now I was sitting here crying. I picked up the phone and tried to dial Niall's number and it had gone straight to voice mail. This couldn't be happening. He was probably already on his way back to America. Looks like it was time for me to pack my bags and go back to square one.

I called the boys to explain the situation and they completely understood. They told me that is what Niall would want. They made arrangements for me to take a red eye out so no crazy fans would be waiting inside or outside of the airport.

I packed all of my bags and locked up the house. I left a note for my aunt explaining what was going on and thanking her for letting me stay there.

Harry and Louis then knocked on my door to pick me up and drop me off at the airport. The car ride was quiet and tense. The boys knew I was nervous and they could tell.

"Bec, are you sure you don't want us to come with you? We have another three weeks off."

"No, no. Thank you guys though. I appreciate it. I want Niall to know I'm a big girl and can handle things on my own and I think it's best if we're just by ourselves."

"Don't worry love, we completely understand. Just know if you need anything, and we mean anything we're a phone call away." Louis told me sweetly as Harry nodded agreeing and smiling. I loved these boys they really wanted to make this work.

About an hour later we arrived at the airport and I got ready to board my flight.

"Come here love." Louis said putting his arms around me. He gave me a big hug and Harry gave me one after.

"Please call us when you land there. And I want to know what goes down with you and Niall if you know what I mean...." Harry said with a smirk on his face. He was always so kinky.

I arrived at terminal E where I waited to board the plane. Before I knew it I was sitting in first class, courtesy of the boys, waiting for this 14 hour flight to be over. I tried to shut my eyes and fall into a deep sleep because it was 2:30 a.m. and I was absolutely exhausted.

I started tossing and turning and all I could remember was seeing Niall throwing a vase across the room and then all the sudden a flight attendant spoke.

"Miss we're about to land please fasten your seatbelt and prepare for landing."

Shit, I slept through all 14 hours of the flight. I was supposed to plan what I was going to do next. This was it. I was going to rent a car once I landed in the Los Angeles airport and drive to Laguna beach where I knew Niall had to have been staying.

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